ConfigService / Client / put_service_linked_configuration_recorder



Creates a service-linked configuration recorder that is linked to a specific Amazon Web Services service based on the ServicePrincipal you specify.

The configuration recorder’s name, recordingGroup, recordingMode, and recordingScope is set by the service that is linked to the configuration recorder.

For more information, see **Working with the Configuration Recorder** in the Config Developer Guide.

This API creates a service-linked role AWSServiceRoleForConfig in your account. The service-linked role is created only when the role does not exist in your account.


The recording scope determines if you receive configuration items

The recording scope is set by the service that is linked to the configuration recorder and determines whether you receive configuration items (CIs) in the delivery channel. If the recording scope is internal, you will not receive CIs in the delivery channel.

Tags are added at creation and cannot be updated with this operation

Use TagResource and UntagResource to update tags after creation.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.put_service_linked_configuration_recorder(
            'Key': 'string',
            'Value': 'string'
  • ServicePrincipal (string) –


    The service principal of the Amazon Web Services service for the service-linked configuration recorder that you want to create.

  • Tags (list) –

    The tags for a service-linked configuration recorder. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define.

    • (dict) –

      The tags for the resource. The metadata that you apply to a resource to help you categorize and organize them. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. Tag keys can have a maximum character length of 128 characters, and tag values can have a maximum length of 256 characters.

      • Key (string) –

        One part of a key-value pair that make up a tag. A key is a general label that acts like a category for more specific tag values.

      • Value (string) –

        The optional part of a key-value pair that make up a tag. A value acts as a descriptor within a tag category (key).

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'Arn': 'string',
    'Name': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • Arn (string) –

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the specified configuration recorder.

    • Name (string) –

      The name of the specified configuration recorder.

      For service-linked configuration recorders, Config automatically assigns a name that has the prefix “ AWS” to the new service-linked configuration recorder.
