IAM / Client / remove_client_id_from_open_id_connect_provider
- IAM.Client.remove_client_id_from_open_id_connect_provider(**kwargs)#
Removes the specified client ID (also known as audience) from the list of client IDs registered for the specified IAM OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider resource object.
This operation is idempotent; it does not fail or return an error if you try to remove a client ID that does not exist.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.remove_client_id_from_open_id_connect_provider( OpenIDConnectProviderArn='string', ClientID='string' )
- Parameters:
OpenIDConnectProviderArn (string) –
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM OIDC provider resource to remove the client ID from. You can get a list of OIDC provider ARNs by using the ListOpenIDConnectProviders operation.
For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
ClientID (string) –
The client ID (also known as audience) to remove from the IAM OIDC provider resource. For more information about client IDs, see CreateOpenIDConnectProvider.
- Returns: