ServiceCatalog / Client / list_provisioning_artifacts
- ServiceCatalog.Client.list_provisioning_artifacts(**kwargs)#
Lists all provisioning artifacts (also known as versions) for the specified product.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.list_provisioning_artifacts( AcceptLanguage='string', ProductId='string' )
- Parameters:
AcceptLanguage (string) –
The language code.
- Japanesezh
- Chinese
ProductId (string) –
The product identifier.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'ProvisioningArtifactDetails': [ { 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'Type': 'CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE'|'MARKETPLACE_AMI'|'MARKETPLACE_CAR'|'TERRAFORM_OPEN_SOURCE'|'TERRAFORM_CLOUD'|'EXTERNAL', 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'Active': True|False, 'Guidance': 'DEFAULT'|'DEPRECATED', 'SourceRevision': 'string' }, ], 'NextPageToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) –
ProvisioningArtifactDetails (list) –
Information about the provisioning artifacts.
(dict) –
Information about a provisioning artifact (also known as a version) for a product.
Id (string) –
The identifier of the provisioning artifact.
Name (string) –
The name of the provisioning artifact.
Description (string) –
The description of the provisioning artifact.
Type (string) –
The type of provisioning artifact.
- CloudFormation templateTERRAFORM_OPEN_SOURCE
- Terraform Open Source configuration fileTERRAFORM_CLOUD
- Terraform Cloud configuration fileEXTERNAL
- External configuration file
CreatedTime (datetime) –
The UTC time stamp of the creation time.
Active (boolean) –
Indicates whether the product version is active.
Guidance (string) –
Information set by the administrator to provide guidance to end users about which provisioning artifacts to use.
SourceRevision (string) –
Specifies the revision of the external artifact that was used to automatically sync the Service Catalog product and create the provisioning artifact. Service Catalog includes this response parameter as a high level field to the existing
type, which is returned as part of the response forCreateProduct
, andUpdateProvisioningArticat
APIs.This field only exists for Repo-Synced products.
NextPageToken (string) –
The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no additional results, this value is null.