
Table of Contents


class Connect.Client

A low-level client representing Amazon Connect Service:

client = session.create_client('connect')

These are the available methods:


Check if an operation can be paginated.

operation_name (string) -- The operation name. This is the same name as the method name on the client. For example, if the method name is create_foo, and you'd normally invoke the operation as client.create_foo(**kwargs), if the create_foo operation can be paginated, you can use the call client.get_paginator("create_foo").
True if the operation can be paginated, False otherwise.

Creates a new user account in your Amazon Connect instance.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.create_user(
        'FirstName': 'string',
        'LastName': 'string',
        'Email': 'string'
        'PhoneType': 'SOFT_PHONE'|'DESK_PHONE',
        'AutoAccept': True|False,
        'AfterContactWorkTimeLimit': 123,
        'DeskPhoneNumber': 'string'
  • Username (string) --


    The user name in Amazon Connect for the user to create.

  • Password (string) -- The password for the user account to create. This is required if you are using Amazon Connect for identity management. If you are using SAML for identity management and include this parameter, an InvalidRequestException is returned.
  • IdentityInfo (dict) --

    Information about the user, including email address, first name, and last name.

    • FirstName (string) --

      The first name used in the user account. This is required if you are using Amazon Connect or SAML for identity management.

    • LastName (string) --

      The last name used in the user account. This is required if you are using Amazon Connect or SAML for identity management.

    • Email (string) --

      The email address added to the user account. If you are using SAML for identity management and include this parameter, an InvalidRequestException is returned.

  • PhoneConfig (dict) --


    Specifies the phone settings for the user, including AfterContactWorkTimeLimit, AutoAccept, DeskPhoneNumber, and PhoneType.

    • PhoneType (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The phone type selected for the user, either Soft phone or Desk phone.

    • AutoAccept (boolean) --

      The Auto accept setting for the user, Yes or No.

    • AfterContactWorkTimeLimit (integer) --

      The After Call Work (ACW) timeout setting, in seconds, for the user.

    • DeskPhoneNumber (string) --

      The phone number for the user's desk phone.

  • DirectoryUserId (string) --

    The unique identifier for the user account in the directory service directory used for identity management. If Amazon Connect is unable to access the existing directory, you can use the DirectoryUserId to authenticate users. If you include the parameter, it is assumed that Amazon Connect cannot access the directory. If the parameter is not included, the UserIdentityInfo is used to authenticate users from your existing directory.

    This parameter is required if you are using an existing directory for identity management in Amazon Connect when Amazon Connect cannot access your directory to authenticate users. If you are using SAML for identity management and include this parameter, an InvalidRequestException is returned.

  • SecurityProfileIds (list) --


    The unique identifier of the security profile to assign to the user created.

    • (string) --
  • RoutingProfileId (string) --


    The unique identifier for the routing profile to assign to the user created.

  • HierarchyGroupId (string) -- The unique identifier for the hierarchy group to assign to the user created.
  • InstanceId (string) --


    The identifier for your Amazon Connect instance. To find the ID of your instance, open the AWS console and select Amazon Connect. Select the alias of the instance in the Instance alias column. The instance ID is displayed in the Overview section of your instance settings. For example, the instance ID is the set of characters at the end of the instance ARN, after instance/, such as 10a4c4eb-f57e-4d4c-b602-bf39176ced07.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'UserId': 'string',
    'UserArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • UserId (string) --

      The unique identifier for the user account in Amazon Connect

    • UserArn (string) --

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user account created.


Deletes a user account from Amazon Connect.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.delete_user(
  • InstanceId (string) --


    The identifier for your Amazon Connect instance. To find the ID of your instance, open the AWS console and select Amazon Connect. Select the alias of the instance in the Instance alias column. The instance ID is displayed in the Overview section of your instance settings. For example, the instance ID is the set of characters at the end of the instance ARN, after instance/, such as 10a4c4eb-f57e-4d4c-b602-bf39176ced07.

  • UserId (string) --


    The unique identifier of the user to delete.




Returns a User object that contains information about the user account specified by the UserId .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_user(
  • UserId (string) --


    Unique identifier for the user account to return.

  • InstanceId (string) --


    The identifier for your Amazon Connect instance. To find the ID of your instance, open the AWS console and select Amazon Connect. Select the alias of the instance in the Instance alias column. The instance ID is displayed in the Overview section of your instance settings. For example, the instance ID is the set of characters at the end of the instance ARN, after instance/, such as 10a4c4eb-f57e-4d4c-b602-bf39176ced07.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'User': {
        'Id': 'string',
        'Arn': 'string',
        'Username': 'string',
        'IdentityInfo': {
            'FirstName': 'string',
            'LastName': 'string',
            'Email': 'string'
        'PhoneConfig': {
            'PhoneType': 'SOFT_PHONE'|'DESK_PHONE',
            'AutoAccept': True|False,
            'AfterContactWorkTimeLimit': 123,
            'DeskPhoneNumber': 'string'
        'DirectoryUserId': 'string',
        'SecurityProfileIds': [
        'RoutingProfileId': 'string',
        'HierarchyGroupId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • User (dict) --

      A User object that contains information about the user account and configuration settings.

      • Id (string) --

        The identifier of the user account.

      • Arn (string) --

        The ARN of the user account.

      • Username (string) --

        The user name assigned to the user account.

      • IdentityInfo (dict) --

        A UserIdentityInfo object.

        • FirstName (string) --

          The first name used in the user account. This is required if you are using Amazon Connect or SAML for identity management.

        • LastName (string) --

          The last name used in the user account. This is required if you are using Amazon Connect or SAML for identity management.

        • Email (string) --

          The email address added to the user account. If you are using SAML for identity management and include this parameter, an InvalidRequestException is returned.

      • PhoneConfig (dict) --

        A UserPhoneConfig object.

        • PhoneType (string) --

          The phone type selected for the user, either Soft phone or Desk phone.

        • AutoAccept (boolean) --

          The Auto accept setting for the user, Yes or No.

        • AfterContactWorkTimeLimit (integer) --

          The After Call Work (ACW) timeout setting, in seconds, for the user.

        • DeskPhoneNumber (string) --

          The phone number for the user's desk phone.

      • DirectoryUserId (string) --

        The directory Id for the user account in the existing directory used for identity management.

      • SecurityProfileIds (list) --

        The identifier(s) for the security profile assigned to the user.

        • (string) --
      • RoutingProfileId (string) --

        The identifier of the routing profile assigned to the user.

      • HierarchyGroupId (string) --

        The identifier for the hierarchy group assigned to the user.


Returns a HierarchyGroup object that includes information about a hierarchy group in your instance.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_user_hierarchy_group(
  • HierarchyGroupId (string) --


    The identifier for the hierarchy group to return.

  • InstanceId (string) --


    The identifier for your Amazon Connect instance. To find the ID of your instance, open the AWS console and select Amazon Connect. Select the alias of the instance in the Instance alias column. The instance ID is displayed in the Overview section of your instance settings. For example, the instance ID is the set of characters at the end of the instance ARN, after instance/, such as 10a4c4eb-f57e-4d4c-b602-bf39176ced07.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'HierarchyGroup': {
        'Id': 'string',
        'Arn': 'string',
        'Name': 'string',
        'LevelId': 'string',
        'HierarchyPath': {
            'LevelOne': {
                'Id': 'string',
                'Arn': 'string',
                'Name': 'string'
            'LevelTwo': {
                'Id': 'string',
                'Arn': 'string',
                'Name': 'string'
            'LevelThree': {
                'Id': 'string',
                'Arn': 'string',
                'Name': 'string'
            'LevelFour': {
                'Id': 'string',
                'Arn': 'string',
                'Name': 'string'
            'LevelFive': {
                'Id': 'string',
                'Arn': 'string',
                'Name': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • HierarchyGroup (dict) --

      Returns a HierarchyGroup object.

      • Id (string) --

        The identifier for the hierarchy group.

      • Arn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the hierarchy group.

      • Name (string) --

        The name of the hierarchy group in your instance.

      • LevelId (string) --

        The identifier for the level in the hierarchy group.

      • HierarchyPath (dict) --

        A HierarchyPath object that contains information about the levels in the hierarchy group.

        • LevelOne (dict) --

          A HierarchyGroupSummary object that contains information about the level of the hierarchy group, including ARN, Id, and Name.

          • Id (string) --

            The identifier of the hierarchy group.

          • Arn (string) --

            The ARN for the hierarchy group.

          • Name (string) --

            The name of the hierarchy group.

        • LevelTwo (dict) --

          A HierarchyGroupSummary object that contains information about the level of the hierarchy group, including ARN, Id, and Name.

          • Id (string) --

            The identifier of the hierarchy group.

          • Arn (string) --

            The ARN for the hierarchy group.

          • Name (string) --

            The name of the hierarchy group.

        • LevelThree (dict) --

          A HierarchyGroupSummary object that contains information about the level of the hierarchy group, including ARN, Id, and Name.

          • Id (string) --

            The identifier of the hierarchy group.

          • Arn (string) --

            The ARN for the hierarchy group.

          • Name (string) --

            The name of the hierarchy group.

        • LevelFour (dict) --

          A HierarchyGroupSummary object that contains information about the level of the hierarchy group, including ARN, Id, and Name.

          • Id (string) --

            The identifier of the hierarchy group.

          • Arn (string) --

            The ARN for the hierarchy group.

          • Name (string) --

            The name of the hierarchy group.

        • LevelFive (dict) --

          A HierarchyGroupSummary object that contains information about the level of the hierarchy group, including ARN, Id, and Name.

          • Id (string) --

            The identifier of the hierarchy group.

          • Arn (string) --

            The ARN for the hierarchy group.

          • Name (string) --

            The name of the hierarchy group.


Returns a HiearchyGroupStructure object, which contains data about the levels in the agent hierarchy.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_user_hierarchy_structure(
InstanceId (string) --


The identifier for your Amazon Connect instance. To find the ID of your instance, open the AWS console and select Amazon Connect. Select the alias of the instance in the Instance alias column. The instance ID is displayed in the Overview section of your instance settings. For example, the instance ID is the set of characters at the end of the instance ARN, after instance/, such as 10a4c4eb-f57e-4d4c-b602-bf39176ced07.

Return type
Response Syntax
    'HierarchyStructure': {
        'LevelOne': {
            'Id': 'string',
            'Arn': 'string',
            'Name': 'string'
        'LevelTwo': {
            'Id': 'string',
            'Arn': 'string',
            'Name': 'string'
        'LevelThree': {
            'Id': 'string',
            'Arn': 'string',
            'Name': 'string'
        'LevelFour': {
            'Id': 'string',
            'Arn': 'string',
            'Name': 'string'
        'LevelFive': {
            'Id': 'string',
            'Arn': 'string',
            'Name': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --
    • HierarchyStructure (dict) --

      A HierarchyStructure object.

      • LevelOne (dict) --

        A HierarchyLevel object that contains information about the hierarchy group level.

        • Id (string) --

          The identifier for the hierarchy group level.

        • Arn (string) --

          The ARN for the hierarchy group level.

        • Name (string) --

          The name of the hierarchy group level.

      • LevelTwo (dict) --

        A HierarchyLevel object that contains information about the hierarchy group level.

        • Id (string) --

          The identifier for the hierarchy group level.

        • Arn (string) --

          The ARN for the hierarchy group level.

        • Name (string) --

          The name of the hierarchy group level.

      • LevelThree (dict) --

        A HierarchyLevel object that contains information about the hierarchy group level.

        • Id (string) --

          The identifier for the hierarchy group level.

        • Arn (string) --

          The ARN for the hierarchy group level.

        • Name (string) --

          The name of the hierarchy group level.

      • LevelFour (dict) --

        A HierarchyLevel object that contains information about the hierarchy group level.

        • Id (string) --

          The identifier for the hierarchy group level.

        • Arn (string) --

          The ARN for the hierarchy group level.

        • Name (string) --

          The name of the hierarchy group level.

      • LevelFive (dict) --

        A HierarchyLevel object that contains information about the hierarchy group level.

        • Id (string) --

          The identifier for the hierarchy group level.

        • Arn (string) --

          The ARN for the hierarchy group level.

        • Name (string) --

          The name of the hierarchy group level.

generate_presigned_url(ClientMethod, Params=None, ExpiresIn=3600, HttpMethod=None)

Generate a presigned url given a client, its method, and arguments

  • ClientMethod (string) -- The client method to presign for
  • Params (dict) -- The parameters normally passed to ClientMethod.
  • ExpiresIn (int) -- The number of seconds the presigned url is valid for. By default it expires in an hour (3600 seconds)
  • HttpMethod (string) -- The http method to use on the generated url. By default, the http method is whatever is used in the method's model.

The presigned url


Retrieves a token for federation.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_federation_token(
InstanceId (string) --


The identifier for your Amazon Connect instance. To find the ID of your instance, open the AWS console and select Amazon Connect. Select the alias of the instance in the Instance alias column. The instance ID is displayed in the Overview section of your instance settings. For example, the instance ID is the set of characters at the end of the instance ARN, after instance/, such as 10a4c4eb-f57e-4d4c-b602-bf39176ced07.

Return type
Response Syntax
    'Credentials': {
        'AccessToken': 'string',
        'AccessTokenExpiration': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'RefreshToken': 'string',
        'RefreshTokenExpiration': datetime(2015, 1, 1)

Response Structure

  • (dict) --
    • Credentials (dict) --

      The credentials to use for federation.

      • AccessToken (string) --

        An access token generated for a federated user to access Amazon Connect

      • AccessTokenExpiration (datetime) --

        A token generated with an expiration time for the session a user is logged in to Amazon Connect

      • RefreshToken (string) --

        Renews a token generated for a user to access the Amazon Connect instance.

      • RefreshTokenExpiration (datetime) --

        Renews the expiration timer for a generated token.


Create a paginator for an operation.

operation_name (string) -- The operation name. This is the same name as the method name on the client. For example, if the method name is create_foo, and you'd normally invoke the operation as client.create_foo(**kwargs), if the create_foo operation can be paginated, you can use the call client.get_paginator("create_foo").
Raises OperationNotPageableError
Raised if the operation is not pageable. You can use the client.can_paginate method to check if an operation is pageable.
Return type
A paginator object.

Returns an object that can wait for some condition.

waiter_name (str) -- The name of the waiter to get. See the waiters section of the service docs for a list of available waiters.
The specified waiter object.
Return type

Returns an array of RoutingProfileSummary objects that includes information about the routing profiles in your instance.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_routing_profiles(
  • InstanceId (string) --


    The identifier for your Amazon Connect instance. To find the ID of your instance, open the AWS console and select Amazon Connect. Select the alias of the instance in the Instance alias column. The instance ID is displayed in the Overview section of your instance settings. For example, the instance ID is the set of characters at the end of the instance ARN, after instance/, such as 10a4c4eb-f57e-4d4c-b602-bf39176ced07.

  • NextToken (string) -- The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.
  • MaxResults (integer) -- The maximum number of routing profiles to return in the response.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'RoutingProfileSummaryList': [
            'Id': 'string',
            'Arn': 'string',
            'Name': 'string'
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • RoutingProfileSummaryList (list) --

      An array of RoutingProfileSummary objects that include the ARN, Id, and Name of the routing profile.

      • (dict) --

        A RoutingProfileSummary object that contains information about a routing profile, including ARN, Id, and Name.

        • Id (string) --

          The identifier of the routing profile.

        • Arn (string) --

          The ARN of the routing profile.

        • Name (string) --

          The name of the routing profile.

    • NextToken (string) --

      A string returned in the response. Use the value returned in the response as the value of the NextToken in a subsequent request to retrieve the next set of results.


Returns an array of SecurityProfileSummary objects that contain information about the security profiles in your instance, including the ARN, Id, and Name of the security profile.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_security_profiles(
  • InstanceId (string) --


    The identifier for your Amazon Connect instance. To find the ID of your instance, open the AWS console and select Amazon Connect. Select the alias of the instance in the Instance alias column. The instance ID is displayed in the Overview section of your instance settings. For example, the instance ID is the set of characters at the end of the instance ARN, after instance/, such as 10a4c4eb-f57e-4d4c-b602-bf39176ced07.

  • NextToken (string) -- The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.
  • MaxResults (integer) -- The maximum number of security profiles to return.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'SecurityProfileSummaryList': [
            'Id': 'string',
            'Arn': 'string',
            'Name': 'string'
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • SecurityProfileSummaryList (list) --

      An array of SecurityProfileSummary objects.

      • (dict) --

        A SecurityProfileSummary object that contains information about a security profile, including ARN, Id, Name.

        • Id (string) --

          The identifier of the security profile.

        • Arn (string) --

          The ARN of the security profile.

        • Name (string) --

          The name of the security profile.

    • NextToken (string) --

      A string returned in the response. Use the value returned in the response as the value of the NextToken in a subsequent request to retrieve the next set of results.


Returns a UserHierarchyGroupSummaryList , which is an array of HierarchyGroupSummary objects that contain information about the hierarchy groups in your instance.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_user_hierarchy_groups(
  • InstanceId (string) --


    The identifier for your Amazon Connect instance. To find the ID of your instance, open the AWS console and select Amazon Connect. Select the alias of the instance in the Instance alias column. The instance ID is displayed in the Overview section of your instance settings. For example, the instance ID is the set of characters at the end of the instance ARN, after instance/, such as 10a4c4eb-f57e-4d4c-b602-bf39176ced07.

  • NextToken (string) -- The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.
  • MaxResults (integer) -- The maximum number of hierarchy groups to return.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'UserHierarchyGroupSummaryList': [
            'Id': 'string',
            'Arn': 'string',
            'Name': 'string'
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • UserHierarchyGroupSummaryList (list) --

      An array of HierarchyGroupSummary objects.

      • (dict) --

        A HierarchyGroupSummary object that contains information about the hierarchy group, including ARN, Id, and Name.

        • Id (string) --

          The identifier of the hierarchy group.

        • Arn (string) --

          The ARN for the hierarchy group.

        • Name (string) --

          The name of the hierarchy group.

    • NextToken (string) --

      A string returned in the response. Use the value returned in the response as the value of the NextToken in a subsequent request to retrieve the next set of results.


Returns a UserSummaryList , which is an array of UserSummary objects.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_users(
  • InstanceId (string) --


    The identifier for your Amazon Connect instance. To find the ID of your instance, open the AWS console and select Amazon Connect. Select the alias of the instance in the Instance alias column. The instance ID is displayed in the Overview section of your instance settings. For example, the instance ID is the set of characters at the end of the instance ARN, after instance/, such as 10a4c4eb-f57e-4d4c-b602-bf39176ced07.

  • NextToken (string) -- The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.
  • MaxResults (integer) -- The maximum number of results to return in the response.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'UserSummaryList': [
            'Id': 'string',
            'Arn': 'string',
            'Username': 'string'
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • UserSummaryList (list) --

      An array of UserSummary objects that contain information about the users in your instance.

      • (dict) --

        A UserSummary object that contains Information about a user, including ARN, Id, and user name.

        • Id (string) --

          The identifier for the user account.

        • Arn (string) --

          The ARN for the user account.

        • Username (string) --

          The Amazon Connect user name for the user account.

    • NextToken (string) --

      A string returned in the response. Use the value returned in the response as the value of the NextToken in a subsequent request to retrieve the next set of results.


The StartOutboundVoiceContact operation initiates a contact flow to place an outbound call to a customer.

There is a throttling limit placed on usage of the API that includes a RateLimit of 2 per second, and a BurstLimit of 5 per second.

If you are using an IAM account, it must have permission to the connect:StartOutboundVoiceContact action.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.start_outbound_voice_contact(
        'string': 'string'
  • DestinationPhoneNumber (string) --


    The phone number of the customer in E.164 format.

  • ContactFlowId (string) --


    The identifier for the contact flow to connect the outbound call to.

    To find the ContactFlowId , open the contact flow you want to use in the Amazon Connect contact flow editor. The ID for the contact flow is displayed in the address bar as part of the URL. For example, the contact flow ID is the set of characters at the end of the URL, after 'contact-flow/' such as 78ea8fd5-2659-4f2b-b528-699760ccfc1b .

  • InstanceId (string) --


    The identifier for your Amazon Connect instance. To find the ID of your instance, open the AWS console and select Amazon Connect. Select the alias of the instance in the Instance alias column. The instance ID is displayed in the Overview section of your instance settings. For example, the instance ID is the set of characters at the end of the instance ARN, after instance/, such as 10a4c4eb-f57e-4d4c-b602-bf39176ced07.

  • ClientToken (string) --

    A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. The token is valid for 7 days after creation. If a contact is already started, the contact ID is returned. If the contact is disconnected, a new contact is started.

    This field is autopopulated if not provided.

  • SourcePhoneNumber (string) -- The phone number, in E.164 format, associated with your Amazon Connect instance to use for the outbound call.
  • QueueId (string) --

    The queue to add the call to. If you specify a queue, the phone displayed for caller ID is the phone number specified in the queue. If you do not specify a queue, the queue used will be the queue defined in the contact flow.

    To find the QueueId , open the queue you want to use in the Amazon Connect Queue editor. The ID for the queue is displayed in the address bar as part of the URL. For example, the queue ID is the set of characters at the end of the URL, after 'queue/' such as queue/aeg40574-2d01-51c3-73d6-bf8624d2168c .

  • Attributes (dict) --

    Specify a custom key-value pair using an attribute map. The attributes are standard Amazon Connect attributes, and can be accessed in contact flows just like any other contact attributes.

    There can be up to 32,768 UTF-8 bytes across all key-value pairs. Attribute keys can include only alphanumeric, dash, and underscore characters.

    For example, if you want play a greeting when the customer answers the call, you can pass the customer name in attributes similar to the following:

    • (string) -- Key for the key value pair to be used for additional attributes.
      • (string) -- Value for the key value pair to be used for additional attributes.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'ContactId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • ContactId (string) --

      The unique identifier of this contact within your Amazon Connect instance.


Ends the contact initiated by the StartOutboundVoiceContact operation.

If you are using an IAM account, it must have permission to the connect:StopContact action.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.stop_contact(
  • ContactId (string) --


    The unique identifier of the contact to end.

  • InstanceId (string) --


    The identifier for your Amazon Connect instance. To find the ID of your instance, open the AWS console and select Amazon Connect. Select the alias of the instance in the Instance alias column. The instance ID is displayed in the Overview section of your instance settings. For example, the instance ID is the set of characters at the end of the instance ARN, after instance/, such as 10a4c4eb-f57e-4d4c-b602-bf39176ced07.

Return type



Response Syntax


Response Structure

  • (dict) --


Assigns the specified hierarchy group to the user.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.update_user_hierarchy(
  • HierarchyGroupId (string) -- The identifier for the hierarchy group to assign to the user.
  • UserId (string) --


    The identifier of the user account to assign the hierarchy group to.

  • InstanceId (string) --


    The identifier for your Amazon Connect instance. To find the ID of your instance, open the AWS console and select Amazon Connect. Select the alias of the instance in the Instance alias column. The instance ID is displayed in the Overview section of your instance settings. For example, the instance ID is the set of characters at the end of the instance ARN, after instance/, such as 10a4c4eb-f57e-4d4c-b602-bf39176ced07.




Updates the identity information for the specified user in a UserIdentityInfo object, including email, first name, and last name.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.update_user_identity_info(
        'FirstName': 'string',
        'LastName': 'string',
        'Email': 'string'
  • IdentityInfo (dict) --


    A UserIdentityInfo object.

    • FirstName (string) --

      The first name used in the user account. This is required if you are using Amazon Connect or SAML for identity management.

    • LastName (string) --

      The last name used in the user account. This is required if you are using Amazon Connect or SAML for identity management.

    • Email (string) --

      The email address added to the user account. If you are using SAML for identity management and include this parameter, an InvalidRequestException is returned.

  • UserId (string) --


    The identifier for the user account to update identity information for.

  • InstanceId (string) --


    The identifier for your Amazon Connect instance. To find the ID of your instance, open the AWS console and select Amazon Connect. Select the alias of the instance in the Instance alias column. The instance ID is displayed in the Overview section of your instance settings. For example, the instance ID is the set of characters at the end of the instance ARN, after instance/, such as 10a4c4eb-f57e-4d4c-b602-bf39176ced07.




Updates the phone configuration settings in the UserPhoneConfig object for the specified user.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.update_user_phone_config(
        'PhoneType': 'SOFT_PHONE'|'DESK_PHONE',
        'AutoAccept': True|False,
        'AfterContactWorkTimeLimit': 123,
        'DeskPhoneNumber': 'string'
  • PhoneConfig (dict) --


    A UserPhoneConfig object that contains settings for AfterContactWorkTimeLimit , AutoAccept , DeskPhoneNumber , and PhoneType to assign to the user.

    • PhoneType (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The phone type selected for the user, either Soft phone or Desk phone.

    • AutoAccept (boolean) --

      The Auto accept setting for the user, Yes or No.

    • AfterContactWorkTimeLimit (integer) --

      The After Call Work (ACW) timeout setting, in seconds, for the user.

    • DeskPhoneNumber (string) --

      The phone number for the user's desk phone.

  • UserId (string) --


    The identifier for the user account to change phone settings for.

  • InstanceId (string) --


    The identifier for your Amazon Connect instance. To find the ID of your instance, open the AWS console and select Amazon Connect. Select the alias of the instance in the Instance alias column. The instance ID is displayed in the Overview section of your instance settings. For example, the instance ID is the set of characters at the end of the instance ARN, after instance/, such as 10a4c4eb-f57e-4d4c-b602-bf39176ced07.




Assigns the specified routing profile to a user.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.update_user_routing_profile(
  • RoutingProfileId (string) --


    The identifier of the routing profile to assign to the user.

  • UserId (string) --


    The identifier for the user account to assign the routing profile to.

  • InstanceId (string) --


    The identifier for your Amazon Connect instance. To find the ID of your instance, open the AWS console and select Amazon Connect. Select the alias of the instance in the Instance alias column. The instance ID is displayed in the Overview section of your instance settings. For example, the instance ID is the set of characters at the end of the instance ARN, after instance/, such as 10a4c4eb-f57e-4d4c-b602-bf39176ced07.




Update the security profiles assigned to the user.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.update_user_security_profiles(
  • SecurityProfileIds (list) --


    The identifiers for the security profiles to assign to the user.

    • (string) --
  • UserId (string) --


    The identifier of the user account to assign the security profiles.

  • InstanceId (string) --


    The identifier for your Amazon Connect instance. To find the ID of your instance, open the AWS console and select Amazon Connect. Select the alias of the instance in the Instance alias column. The instance ID is displayed in the Overview section of your instance settings. For example, the instance ID is the set of characters at the end of the instance ARN, after instance/, such as 10a4c4eb-f57e-4d4c-b602-bf39176ced07.




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