Glue / Client / get_integration_table_properties
- Glue.Client.get_integration_table_properties(**kwargs)#
This API is used to retrieve optional override properties for the tables that need to be replicated. These properties can include properties for filtering and partition for source and target tables.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.get_integration_table_properties( ResourceArn='string', TableName='string' )
- Parameters:
ResourceArn (string) –
The connection ARN of the source, or the database ARN of the target.
TableName (string) –
The name of the table to be replicated.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'ResourceArn': 'string', 'TableName': 'string', 'SourceTableConfig': { 'Fields': [ 'string', ], 'FilterPredicate': 'string', 'PrimaryKey': [ 'string', ], 'RecordUpdateField': 'string' }, 'TargetTableConfig': { 'UnnestSpec': 'TOPLEVEL'|'FULL'|'NOUNNEST', 'PartitionSpec': [ { 'FieldName': 'string', 'FunctionSpec': 'string' }, ], 'TargetTableName': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) –
ResourceArn (string) –
The connection ARN of the source, or the database ARN of the target.
TableName (string) –
The name of the table to be replicated.
SourceTableConfig (dict) –
A structure for the source table configuration.
Fields (list) –
A list of fields used for column-level filtering.
(string) –
FilterPredicate (string) –
A condition clause used for row-level filtering.
PrimaryKey (list) –
Unique identifier of a record.
(string) –
RecordUpdateField (string) –
Incremental pull timestamp-based field.
TargetTableConfig (dict) –
A structure for the target table configuration.
UnnestSpec (string) –
Specifies how nested objects are flattened to top-level elements. Valid values are: “TOPLEVEL”, “FULL”, or “NOUNNEST”.
PartitionSpec (list) –
Determines the file layout on the target.
(dict) –
A structure that describes how data is partitioned on the target.
FieldName (string) –
The field name used to partition data on the target.
FunctionSpec (string) –
Specifies a function used to partition data on the target.
TargetTableName (string) –
The optional name of a target table.