- class mgn.Client#
A low-level client representing Application Migration Service (mgn)
The Application Migration Service service.
client = session.create_client('mgn')
These are the available methods:
- archive_application
- archive_wave
- associate_applications
- associate_source_servers
- can_paginate
- change_server_life_cycle_state
- close
- create_application
- create_connector
- create_launch_configuration_template
- create_replication_configuration_template
- create_wave
- delete_application
- delete_connector
- delete_job
- delete_launch_configuration_template
- delete_replication_configuration_template
- delete_source_server
- delete_vcenter_client
- delete_wave
- describe_job_log_items
- describe_jobs
- describe_launch_configuration_templates
- describe_replication_configuration_templates
- describe_source_servers
- describe_vcenter_clients
- disassociate_applications
- disassociate_source_servers
- disconnect_from_service
- finalize_cutover
- get_launch_configuration
- get_paginator
- get_replication_configuration
- get_waiter
- initialize_service
- list_applications
- list_connectors
- list_export_errors
- list_exports
- list_import_errors
- list_imports
- list_managed_accounts
- list_source_server_actions
- list_tags_for_resource
- list_template_actions
- list_waves
- mark_as_archived
- pause_replication
- put_source_server_action
- put_template_action
- remove_source_server_action
- remove_template_action
- resume_replication
- retry_data_replication
- start_cutover
- start_export
- start_import
- start_replication
- start_test
- stop_replication
- tag_resource
- terminate_target_instances
- unarchive_application
- unarchive_wave
- untag_resource
- update_application
- update_connector
- update_launch_configuration
- update_launch_configuration_template
- update_replication_configuration
- update_replication_configuration_template
- update_source_server
- update_source_server_replication_type
- update_wave
Client Exceptions#
Client exceptions are available on a client instance via the exceptions
property. For more detailed instructions and examples on the exact usage of client exceptions, see the error handling user guide.
The available client exceptions are:
Paginators are available on a client instance via the get_paginator
method. For more detailed instructions and examples on the usage of paginators, see the paginators user guide.
The available paginators are:
- DescribeJobLogItems
- DescribeJobs
- DescribeLaunchConfigurationTemplates
- DescribeReplicationConfigurationTemplates
- DescribeSourceServers
- DescribeVcenterClients
- ListApplications
- ListConnectors
- ListExportErrors
- ListExports
- ListImportErrors
- ListImports
- ListManagedAccounts
- ListSourceServerActions
- ListTemplateActions
- ListWaves