- class Macie2.Client#
A low-level client representing Amazon Macie 2
Amazon Macie
client = session.create_client('macie2')
These are the available methods:
- accept_invitation
- batch_get_custom_data_identifiers
- batch_update_automated_discovery_accounts
- can_paginate
- close
- create_allow_list
- create_classification_job
- create_custom_data_identifier
- create_findings_filter
- create_invitations
- create_member
- create_sample_findings
- decline_invitations
- delete_allow_list
- delete_custom_data_identifier
- delete_findings_filter
- delete_invitations
- delete_member
- describe_buckets
- describe_classification_job
- describe_organization_configuration
- disable_macie
- disable_organization_admin_account
- disassociate_from_administrator_account
- disassociate_from_master_account
- disassociate_member
- enable_macie
- enable_organization_admin_account
- get_administrator_account
- get_allow_list
- get_automated_discovery_configuration
- get_bucket_statistics
- get_classification_export_configuration
- get_classification_scope
- get_custom_data_identifier
- get_finding_statistics
- get_findings
- get_findings_filter
- get_findings_publication_configuration
- get_invitations_count
- get_macie_session
- get_master_account
- get_member
- get_paginator
- get_resource_profile
- get_reveal_configuration
- get_sensitive_data_occurrences
- get_sensitive_data_occurrences_availability
- get_sensitivity_inspection_template
- get_usage_statistics
- get_usage_totals
- get_waiter
- list_allow_lists
- list_automated_discovery_accounts
- list_classification_jobs
- list_classification_scopes
- list_custom_data_identifiers
- list_findings
- list_findings_filters
- list_invitations
- list_managed_data_identifiers
- list_members
- list_organization_admin_accounts
- list_resource_profile_artifacts
- list_resource_profile_detections
- list_sensitivity_inspection_templates
- list_tags_for_resource
- put_classification_export_configuration
- put_findings_publication_configuration
- search_resources
- tag_resource
- test_custom_data_identifier
- untag_resource
- update_allow_list
- update_automated_discovery_configuration
- update_classification_job
- update_classification_scope
- update_findings_filter
- update_macie_session
- update_member_session
- update_organization_configuration
- update_resource_profile
- update_resource_profile_detections
- update_reveal_configuration
- update_sensitivity_inspection_template
Client Exceptions#
Client exceptions are available on a client instance via the exceptions
property. For more detailed instructions and examples on the exact usage of client exceptions, see the error handling user guide.
The available client exceptions are:
Paginators are available on a client instance via the get_paginator
method. For more detailed instructions and examples on the usage of paginators, see the paginators user guide.
The available paginators are:
- DescribeBuckets
- GetUsageStatistics
- ListAllowLists
- ListAutomatedDiscoveryAccounts
- ListClassificationJobs
- ListClassificationScopes
- ListCustomDataIdentifiers
- ListFindings
- ListFindingsFilters
- ListInvitations
- ListManagedDataIdentifiers
- ListMembers
- ListOrganizationAdminAccounts
- ListResourceProfileArtifacts
- ListResourceProfileDetections
- ListSensitivityInspectionTemplates
- SearchResources
Waiters are available on a client instance via the get_waiter
method. For more detailed instructions and examples on the usage or waiters, see the waiters user guide.
The available waiters are: