Amplify / Client / delete_app



Deletes an existing Amplify app specified by an app ID.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.delete_app(

appId (string) –


The unique ID for an Amplify app.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'app': {
        'appId': 'string',
        'appArn': 'string',
        'name': 'string',
        'tags': {
            'string': 'string'
        'description': 'string',
        'repository': 'string',
        'platform': 'WEB'|'WEB_DYNAMIC'|'WEB_COMPUTE',
        'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'updateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'computeRoleArn': 'string',
        'iamServiceRoleArn': 'string',
        'environmentVariables': {
            'string': 'string'
        'defaultDomain': 'string',
        'enableBranchAutoBuild': True|False,
        'enableBranchAutoDeletion': True|False,
        'enableBasicAuth': True|False,
        'basicAuthCredentials': 'string',
        'customRules': [
                'source': 'string',
                'target': 'string',
                'status': 'string',
                'condition': 'string'
        'productionBranch': {
            'lastDeployTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'status': 'string',
            'thumbnailUrl': 'string',
            'branchName': 'string'
        'buildSpec': 'string',
        'customHeaders': 'string',
        'enableAutoBranchCreation': True|False,
        'autoBranchCreationPatterns': [
        'autoBranchCreationConfig': {
            'framework': 'string',
            'enableAutoBuild': True|False,
            'environmentVariables': {
                'string': 'string'
            'basicAuthCredentials': 'string',
            'enableBasicAuth': True|False,
            'enablePerformanceMode': True|False,
            'buildSpec': 'string',
            'enablePullRequestPreview': True|False,
            'pullRequestEnvironmentName': 'string'
        'repositoryCloneMethod': 'SSH'|'TOKEN'|'SIGV4',
        'cacheConfig': {
        'webhookCreateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'wafConfiguration': {
            'webAclArn': 'string',
            'statusReason': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    The result structure for the delete app request.

    • app (dict) –

      Represents the different branches of a repository for building, deploying, and hosting an Amplify app.

      • appId (string) –

        The unique ID of the Amplify app.

      • appArn (string) –

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amplify app.

      • name (string) –

        The name for the Amplify app.

      • tags (dict) –

        The tag for the Amplify app.

        • (string) –

          • (string) –

      • description (string) –

        The description for the Amplify app.

      • repository (string) –

        The Git repository for the Amplify app.

      • platform (string) –

        The platform for the Amplify app. For a static app, set the platform type to WEB. For a dynamic server-side rendered (SSR) app, set the platform type to WEB_COMPUTE. For an app requiring Amplify Hosting’s original SSR support only, set the platform type to WEB_DYNAMIC.

        If you are deploying an SSG only app with Next.js 14 or later, you must use the platform type WEB_COMPUTE.

      • createTime (datetime) –

        A timestamp of when Amplify created the application.

      • updateTime (datetime) –

        A timestamp of when Amplify updated the application.

      • computeRoleArn (string) –

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role for an SSR app. The Compute role allows the Amplify Hosting compute service to securely access specific Amazon Web Services resources based on the role’s permissions. For more information about the SSR Compute role, see Adding an SSR Compute role in the Amplify User Guide.

      • iamServiceRoleArn (string) –

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM service role for the Amplify app.

      • environmentVariables (dict) –

        The environment variables for the Amplify app.

        For a list of the environment variables that are accessible to Amplify by default, see Amplify Environment variables in the Amplify Hosting User Guide.

        • (string) –

          • (string) –

      • defaultDomain (string) –

        The default domain for the Amplify app.

      • enableBranchAutoBuild (boolean) –

        Enables the auto-building of branches for the Amplify app.

      • enableBranchAutoDeletion (boolean) –

        Automatically disconnect a branch in the Amplify console when you delete a branch from your Git repository.

      • enableBasicAuth (boolean) –

        Enables basic authorization for the Amplify app’s branches.

      • basicAuthCredentials (string) –

        The basic authorization credentials for branches for the Amplify app. You must base64-encode the authorization credentials and provide them in the format user:password.

      • customRules (list) –

        Describes the custom redirect and rewrite rules for the Amplify app.

        • (dict) –

          Describes a custom rewrite or redirect rule.

          • source (string) –

            The source pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.

          • target (string) –

            The target pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.

          • status (string) –

            The status code for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.


            Represents a 200 rewrite rule.


            Represents a 301 (moved permanently) redirect rule. This and all future requests should be directed to the target URL.


            Represents a 302 temporary redirect rule.


            Represents a 404 redirect rule.


            Represents a 404 rewrite rule.

          • condition (string) –

            The condition for a URL rewrite or redirect rule, such as a country code.

      • productionBranch (dict) –

        Describes the information about a production branch of the Amplify app.

        • lastDeployTime (datetime) –

          The last deploy time of the production branch.

        • status (string) –

          The status of the production branch.

        • thumbnailUrl (string) –

          The thumbnail URL for the production branch.

        • branchName (string) –

          The branch name for the production branch.

      • buildSpec (string) –

        Describes the content of the build specification (build spec) for the Amplify app.

      • customHeaders (string) –

        Describes the custom HTTP headers for the Amplify app.

      • enableAutoBranchCreation (boolean) –

        Enables automated branch creation for the Amplify app.

      • autoBranchCreationPatterns (list) –

        Describes the automated branch creation glob patterns for the Amplify app.

        • (string) –

      • autoBranchCreationConfig (dict) –

        Describes the automated branch creation configuration for the Amplify app.

        • stage (string) –

          Describes the current stage for the autocreated branch.

        • framework (string) –

          The framework for the autocreated branch.

        • enableAutoBuild (boolean) –

          Enables auto building for the autocreated branch.

        • environmentVariables (dict) –

          The environment variables for the autocreated branch.

          • (string) –

            • (string) –

        • basicAuthCredentials (string) –

          The basic authorization credentials for the autocreated branch. You must base64-encode the authorization credentials and provide them in the format user:password.

        • enableBasicAuth (boolean) –

          Enables basic authorization for the autocreated branch.

        • enablePerformanceMode (boolean) –

          Enables performance mode for the branch.

          Performance mode optimizes for faster hosting performance by keeping content cached at the edge for a longer interval. When performance mode is enabled, hosting configuration or code changes can take up to 10 minutes to roll out.

        • buildSpec (string) –

          The build specification (build spec) for the autocreated branch.

        • enablePullRequestPreview (boolean) –

          Enables pull request previews for the autocreated branch.

        • pullRequestEnvironmentName (string) –

          The Amplify environment name for the pull request.

      • repositoryCloneMethod (string) –


        This is for internal use.

        The Amplify service uses this parameter to specify the authentication protocol to use to access the Git repository for an Amplify app. Amplify specifies TOKEN for a GitHub repository, SIGV4 for an Amazon Web Services CodeCommit repository, and SSH for GitLab and Bitbucket repositories.

      • cacheConfig (dict) –

        The cache configuration for the Amplify app. If you don’t specify the cache configuration type, Amplify uses the default AMPLIFY_MANAGED setting.

        • type (string) –

          The type of cache configuration to use for an Amplify app.

          The AMPLIFY_MANAGED cache configuration automatically applies an optimized cache configuration for your app based on its platform, routing rules, and rewrite rules. This is the default setting.

          The AMPLIFY_MANAGED_NO_COOKIES cache configuration type is the same as AMPLIFY_MANAGED, except that it excludes all cookies from the cache key.

      • webhookCreateTime (datetime) –

        A timestamp of when Amplify created the webhook in your Git repository.

      • wafConfiguration (dict) –

        Describes the Firewall configuration for the Amplify app. Firewall support enables you to protect your hosted applications with a direct integration with WAF.

        • webAclArn (string) –

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the web ACL associated with an Amplify app.

        • wafStatus (string) –

          The status of the process to associate or disassociate a web ACL to an Amplify app.

        • statusReason (string) –

          The reason for the current status of the Firewall configuration.
