BedrockRuntime / Client / apply_guardrail
- BedrockRuntime.Client.apply_guardrail(**kwargs)#
The action to apply a guardrail.
For troubleshooting some of the common errors you might encounter when using the
API, see Troubleshooting Amazon Bedrock API Error Codes in the Amazon Bedrock User GuideSee also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.apply_guardrail( guardrailIdentifier='string', guardrailVersion='string', source='INPUT'|'OUTPUT', content=[ { 'text': { 'text': 'string', 'qualifiers': [ 'grounding_source'|'query'|'guard_content', ] }, 'image': { 'format': 'png'|'jpeg', 'source': { 'bytes': b'bytes' } } }, ] )
- Parameters:
guardrailIdentifier (string) –
The guardrail identifier used in the request to apply the guardrail.
guardrailVersion (string) –
The guardrail version used in the request to apply the guardrail.
source (string) –
The source of data used in the request to apply the guardrail.
content (list) –
The content details used in the request to apply the guardrail.
(dict) –
The content block to be evaluated by the guardrail.
This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys can be set:
.text (dict) –
Text within content block to be evaluated by the guardrail.
text (string) – [REQUIRED]
The input text details to be evaluated by the guardrail.
qualifiers (list) –
The qualifiers describing the text block.
(string) –
image (dict) –
Image within guardrail content block to be evaluated by the guardrail.
format (string) – [REQUIRED]
The format details for the file type of the image blocked by the guardrail.
source (dict) – [REQUIRED]
The image source (image bytes) details of the image blocked by the guardrail.
This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys can be set:
.bytes (bytes) –
The bytes details of the guardrail image source. Object used in independent api.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'usage': { 'topicPolicyUnits': 123, 'contentPolicyUnits': 123, 'wordPolicyUnits': 123, 'sensitiveInformationPolicyUnits': 123, 'sensitiveInformationPolicyFreeUnits': 123, 'contextualGroundingPolicyUnits': 123 }, 'action': 'NONE'|'GUARDRAIL_INTERVENED', 'outputs': [ { 'text': 'string' }, ], 'assessments': [ { 'topicPolicy': { 'topics': [ { 'name': 'string', 'type': 'DENY', 'action': 'BLOCKED' }, ] }, 'contentPolicy': { 'filters': [ { 'type': 'INSULTS'|'HATE'|'SEXUAL'|'VIOLENCE'|'MISCONDUCT'|'PROMPT_ATTACK', 'confidence': 'NONE'|'LOW'|'MEDIUM'|'HIGH', 'filterStrength': 'NONE'|'LOW'|'MEDIUM'|'HIGH', 'action': 'BLOCKED' }, ] }, 'wordPolicy': { 'customWords': [ { 'match': 'string', 'action': 'BLOCKED' }, ], 'managedWordLists': [ { 'match': 'string', 'type': 'PROFANITY', 'action': 'BLOCKED' }, ] }, 'sensitiveInformationPolicy': { 'piiEntities': [ { 'match': 'string', 'type': 'ADDRESS'|'AGE'|'AWS_ACCESS_KEY'|'AWS_SECRET_KEY'|'CA_HEALTH_NUMBER'|'CA_SOCIAL_INSURANCE_NUMBER'|'CREDIT_DEBIT_CARD_CVV'|'CREDIT_DEBIT_CARD_EXPIRY'|'CREDIT_DEBIT_CARD_NUMBER'|'DRIVER_ID'|'EMAIL'|'INTERNATIONAL_BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER'|'IP_ADDRESS'|'LICENSE_PLATE'|'MAC_ADDRESS'|'NAME'|'PASSWORD'|'PHONE'|'PIN'|'SWIFT_CODE'|'UK_NATIONAL_HEALTH_SERVICE_NUMBER'|'UK_NATIONAL_INSURANCE_NUMBER'|'UK_UNIQUE_TAXPAYER_REFERENCE_NUMBER'|'URL'|'USERNAME'|'US_BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER'|'US_BANK_ROUTING_NUMBER'|'US_INDIVIDUAL_TAX_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER'|'US_PASSPORT_NUMBER'|'US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER'|'VEHICLE_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER', 'action': 'ANONYMIZED'|'BLOCKED' }, ], 'regexes': [ { 'name': 'string', 'match': 'string', 'regex': 'string', 'action': 'ANONYMIZED'|'BLOCKED' }, ] }, 'contextualGroundingPolicy': { 'filters': [ { 'type': 'GROUNDING'|'RELEVANCE', 'threshold': 123.0, 'score': 123.0, 'action': 'BLOCKED'|'NONE' }, ] }, 'invocationMetrics': { 'guardrailProcessingLatency': 123, 'usage': { 'topicPolicyUnits': 123, 'contentPolicyUnits': 123, 'wordPolicyUnits': 123, 'sensitiveInformationPolicyUnits': 123, 'sensitiveInformationPolicyFreeUnits': 123, 'contextualGroundingPolicyUnits': 123 }, 'guardrailCoverage': { 'textCharacters': { 'guarded': 123, 'total': 123 }, 'images': { 'guarded': 123, 'total': 123 } } } }, ], 'guardrailCoverage': { 'textCharacters': { 'guarded': 123, 'total': 123 }, 'images': { 'guarded': 123, 'total': 123 } } }
Response Structure
(dict) –
usage (dict) –
The usage details in the response from the guardrail.
topicPolicyUnits (integer) –
The topic policy units processed by the guardrail.
contentPolicyUnits (integer) –
The content policy units processed by the guardrail.
wordPolicyUnits (integer) –
The word policy units processed by the guardrail.
sensitiveInformationPolicyUnits (integer) –
The sensitive information policy units processed by the guardrail.
sensitiveInformationPolicyFreeUnits (integer) –
The sensitive information policy free units processed by the guardrail.
contextualGroundingPolicyUnits (integer) –
The contextual grounding policy units processed by the guardrail.
action (string) –
The action taken in the response from the guardrail.
outputs (list) –
The output details in the response from the guardrail.
(dict) –
The output content produced by the guardrail.
text (string) –
The specific text for the output content produced by the guardrail.
assessments (list) –
The assessment details in the response from the guardrail.
(dict) –
A behavior assessment of the guardrail policies used in a call to the Converse API.
topicPolicy (dict) –
The topic policy.
topics (list) –
The topics in the assessment.
(dict) –
Information about a topic guardrail.
name (string) –
The name for the guardrail.
type (string) –
The type behavior that the guardrail should perform when the model detects the topic.
action (string) –
The action the guardrail should take when it intervenes on a topic.
contentPolicy (dict) –
The content policy.
filters (list) –
The content policy filters.
(dict) –
The content filter for a guardrail.
type (string) –
The guardrail type.
confidence (string) –
The guardrail confidence.
filterStrength (string) –
The filter strength setting for the guardrail content filter.
action (string) –
The guardrail action.
wordPolicy (dict) –
The word policy.
customWords (list) –
Custom words in the assessment.
(dict) –
A custom word configured in a guardrail.
match (string) –
The match for the custom word.
action (string) –
The action for the custom word.
managedWordLists (list) –
Managed word lists in the assessment.
(dict) –
A managed word configured in a guardrail.
match (string) –
The match for the managed word.
type (string) –
The type for the managed word.
action (string) –
The action for the managed word.
sensitiveInformationPolicy (dict) –
The sensitive information policy.
piiEntities (list) –
The PII entities in the assessment.
(dict) –
A Personally Identifiable Information (PII) entity configured in a guardrail.
match (string) –
The PII entity filter match.
type (string) –
The PII entity filter type.
action (string) –
The PII entity filter action.
regexes (list) –
The regex queries in the assessment.
(dict) –
A Regex filter configured in a guardrail.
name (string) –
The regex filter name.
match (string) –
The regesx filter match.
regex (string) –
The regex query.
action (string) –
The region filter action.
contextualGroundingPolicy (dict) –
The contextual grounding policy used for the guardrail assessment.
filters (list) –
The filter details for the guardrails contextual grounding filter.
(dict) –
The details for the guardrails contextual grounding filter.
type (string) –
The contextual grounding filter type.
threshold (float) –
The threshold used by contextual grounding filter to determine whether the content is grounded or not.
score (float) –
The score generated by contextual grounding filter.
action (string) –
The action performed by the guardrails contextual grounding filter.
invocationMetrics (dict) –
The invocation metrics for the guardrail assessment.
guardrailProcessingLatency (integer) –
The processing latency details for the guardrail invocation metrics.
usage (dict) –
The usage details for the guardrail invocation metrics.
topicPolicyUnits (integer) –
The topic policy units processed by the guardrail.
contentPolicyUnits (integer) –
The content policy units processed by the guardrail.
wordPolicyUnits (integer) –
The word policy units processed by the guardrail.
sensitiveInformationPolicyUnits (integer) –
The sensitive information policy units processed by the guardrail.
sensitiveInformationPolicyFreeUnits (integer) –
The sensitive information policy free units processed by the guardrail.
contextualGroundingPolicyUnits (integer) –
The contextual grounding policy units processed by the guardrail.
guardrailCoverage (dict) –
The coverage details for the guardrail invocation metrics.
textCharacters (dict) –
The text characters of the guardrail coverage details.
guarded (integer) –
The text characters that were guarded by the guardrail coverage.
total (integer) –
The total text characters by the guardrail coverage.
images (dict) –
The guardrail coverage for images (the number of images that guardrails guarded).
guarded (integer) –
The count (integer) of images guardrails guarded.
total (integer) –
Represents the total number of images (integer) that were in the request (guarded and unguarded).
guardrailCoverage (dict) –
The guardrail coverage details in the apply guardrail response.
textCharacters (dict) –
The text characters of the guardrail coverage details.
guarded (integer) –
The text characters that were guarded by the guardrail coverage.
total (integer) –
The total text characters by the guardrail coverage.
images (dict) –
The guardrail coverage for images (the number of images that guardrails guarded).
guarded (integer) –
The count (integer) of images guardrails guarded.
total (integer) –
Represents the total number of images (integer) that were in the request (guarded and unguarded).