BedrockRuntime / Client / apply_guardrail



The action to apply a guardrail.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.apply_guardrail(
            'text': {
                'text': 'string',
                'qualifiers': [
  • guardrailIdentifier (string) –


    The guardrail identifier used in the request to apply the guardrail.

  • guardrailVersion (string) –


    The guardrail version used in the request to apply the guardrail.

  • source (string) –


    The source of data used in the request to apply the guardrail.

  • content (list) –


    The content details used in the request to apply the guardrail.

    • (dict) –

      The content block to be evaluated by the guardrail.


      This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys can be set: text.

      • text (dict) –

        Text within content block to be evaluated by the guardrail.

        • text (string) – [REQUIRED]

          The input text details to be evaluated by the guardrail.

        • qualifiers (list) –

          The qualifiers describing the text block.

          • (string) –

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'usage': {
        'topicPolicyUnits': 123,
        'contentPolicyUnits': 123,
        'wordPolicyUnits': 123,
        'sensitiveInformationPolicyUnits': 123,
        'sensitiveInformationPolicyFreeUnits': 123,
        'contextualGroundingPolicyUnits': 123
    'outputs': [
            'text': 'string'
    'assessments': [
            'topicPolicy': {
                'topics': [
                        'name': 'string',
                        'type': 'DENY',
                        'action': 'BLOCKED'
            'contentPolicy': {
                'filters': [
                        'type': 'INSULTS'|'HATE'|'SEXUAL'|'VIOLENCE'|'MISCONDUCT'|'PROMPT_ATTACK',
                        'confidence': 'NONE'|'LOW'|'MEDIUM'|'HIGH',
                        'action': 'BLOCKED'
            'wordPolicy': {
                'customWords': [
                        'match': 'string',
                        'action': 'BLOCKED'
                'managedWordLists': [
                        'match': 'string',
                        'type': 'PROFANITY',
                        'action': 'BLOCKED'
            'sensitiveInformationPolicy': {
                'piiEntities': [
                        'match': 'string',
                        'action': 'ANONYMIZED'|'BLOCKED'
                'regexes': [
                        'name': 'string',
                        'match': 'string',
                        'regex': 'string',
                        'action': 'ANONYMIZED'|'BLOCKED'
            'contextualGroundingPolicy': {
                'filters': [
                        'type': 'GROUNDING'|'RELEVANCE',
                        'threshold': 123.0,
                        'score': 123.0,
                        'action': 'BLOCKED'|'NONE'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • usage (dict) –

      The usage details in the response from the guardrail.

      • topicPolicyUnits (integer) –

        The topic policy units processed by the guardrail.

      • contentPolicyUnits (integer) –

        The content policy units processed by the guardrail.

      • wordPolicyUnits (integer) –

        The word policy units processed by the guardrail.

      • sensitiveInformationPolicyUnits (integer) –

        The sensitive information policy units processed by the guardrail.

      • sensitiveInformationPolicyFreeUnits (integer) –

        The sensitive information policy free units processed by the guardrail.

      • contextualGroundingPolicyUnits (integer) –

        The contextual grounding policy units processed by the guardrail.

    • action (string) –

      The action taken in the response from the guardrail.

    • outputs (list) –

      The output details in the response from the guardrail.

      • (dict) –

        The output content produced by the guardrail.

        • text (string) –

          The specific text for the output content produced by the guardrail.

    • assessments (list) –

      The assessment details in the response from the guardrail.

      • (dict) –

        A behavior assessment of the guardrail policies used in a call to the Converse API.

        • topicPolicy (dict) –

          The topic policy.

          • topics (list) –

            The topics in the assessment.

            • (dict) –

              Information about a topic guardrail.

              • name (string) –

                The name for the guardrail.

              • type (string) –

                The type behavior that the guardrail should perform when the model detects the topic.

              • action (string) –

                The action the guardrail should take when it intervenes on a topic.

        • contentPolicy (dict) –

          The content policy.

          • filters (list) –

            The content policy filters.

            • (dict) –

              The content filter for a guardrail.

              • type (string) –

                The guardrail type.

              • confidence (string) –

                The guardrail confidence.

              • action (string) –

                The guardrail action.

        • wordPolicy (dict) –

          The word policy.

          • customWords (list) –

            Custom words in the assessment.

            • (dict) –

              A custom word configured in a guardrail.

              • match (string) –

                The match for the custom word.

              • action (string) –

                The action for the custom word.

          • managedWordLists (list) –

            Managed word lists in the assessment.

            • (dict) –

              A managed word configured in a guardrail.

              • match (string) –

                The match for the managed word.

              • type (string) –

                The type for the managed word.

              • action (string) –

                The action for the managed word.

        • sensitiveInformationPolicy (dict) –

          The sensitive information policy.

          • piiEntities (list) –

            The PII entities in the assessment.

            • (dict) –

              A Personally Identifiable Information (PII) entity configured in a guardrail.

              • match (string) –

                The PII entity filter match.

              • type (string) –

                The PII entity filter type.

              • action (string) –

                The PII entity filter action.

          • regexes (list) –

            The regex queries in the assessment.

            • (dict) –

              A Regex filter configured in a guardrail.

              • name (string) –

                The regex filter name.

              • match (string) –

                The regesx filter match.

              • regex (string) –

                The regex query.

              • action (string) –

                The region filter action.

        • contextualGroundingPolicy (dict) –

          The contextual grounding policy used for the guardrail assessment.

          • filters (list) –

            The filter details for the guardrails contextual grounding filter.

            • (dict) –

              The details for the guardrails contextual grounding filter.

              • type (string) –

                The contextual grounding filter type.

              • threshold (float) –

                The threshold used by contextual grounding filter to determine whether the content is grounded or not.

              • score (float) –

                The score generated by contextual grounding filter.

              • action (string) –

                The action performed by the guardrails contextual grounding filter.
