CostOptimizationHub / Client / get_recommendation
- CostOptimizationHub.Client.get_recommendation(**kwargs)#
Returns both the current and recommended resource configuration and the estimated cost impact for a recommendation.
is only valid for up to a maximum of 24 hours as recommendations are refreshed daily. To retrieve therecommendationId
, use theListRecommendations
API.See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.get_recommendation( recommendationId='string' )
- Parameters:
recommendationId (string) –
The ID for the recommendation.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'recommendationId': 'string', 'resourceId': 'string', 'resourceArn': 'string', 'accountId': 'string', 'currencyCode': 'string', 'recommendationLookbackPeriodInDays': 123, 'costCalculationLookbackPeriodInDays': 123, 'estimatedSavingsPercentage': 123.0, 'estimatedSavingsOverCostCalculationLookbackPeriod': 123.0, 'currentResourceType': 'Ec2Instance'|'LambdaFunction'|'EbsVolume'|'EcsService'|'Ec2AutoScalingGroup'|'Ec2InstanceSavingsPlans'|'ComputeSavingsPlans'|'SageMakerSavingsPlans'|'Ec2ReservedInstances'|'RdsReservedInstances'|'OpenSearchReservedInstances'|'RedshiftReservedInstances'|'ElastiCacheReservedInstances'|'RdsDbInstanceStorage'|'RdsDbInstance', 'recommendedResourceType': 'Ec2Instance'|'LambdaFunction'|'EbsVolume'|'EcsService'|'Ec2AutoScalingGroup'|'Ec2InstanceSavingsPlans'|'ComputeSavingsPlans'|'SageMakerSavingsPlans'|'Ec2ReservedInstances'|'RdsReservedInstances'|'OpenSearchReservedInstances'|'RedshiftReservedInstances'|'ElastiCacheReservedInstances'|'RdsDbInstanceStorage'|'RdsDbInstance', 'region': 'string', 'source': 'ComputeOptimizer'|'CostExplorer', 'lastRefreshTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'estimatedMonthlySavings': 123.0, 'estimatedMonthlyCost': 123.0, 'implementationEffort': 'VeryLow'|'Low'|'Medium'|'High'|'VeryHigh', 'restartNeeded': True|False, 'actionType': 'Rightsize'|'Stop'|'Upgrade'|'PurchaseSavingsPlans'|'PurchaseReservedInstances'|'MigrateToGraviton'|'Delete'|'ScaleIn', 'rollbackPossible': True|False, 'currentResourceDetails': { 'lambdaFunction': { 'configuration': { 'compute': { 'vCpu': 123.0, 'memorySizeInMB': 123, 'architecture': 'string', 'platform': 'string' } }, 'costCalculation': { 'usages': [ { 'usageType': 'string', 'usageAmount': 123.0, 'operation': 'string', 'productCode': 'string', 'unit': 'string' }, ], 'pricing': { 'estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts': 123.0, 'estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments': 123.0, 'estimatedDiscounts': { 'savingsPlansDiscount': 123.0, 'reservedInstancesDiscount': 123.0, 'otherDiscount': 123.0 }, 'estimatedCostAfterDiscounts': 123.0 } } }, 'ecsService': { 'configuration': { 'compute': { 'vCpu': 123.0, 'memorySizeInMB': 123, 'architecture': 'string', 'platform': 'string' } }, 'costCalculation': { 'usages': [ { 'usageType': 'string', 'usageAmount': 123.0, 'operation': 'string', 'productCode': 'string', 'unit': 'string' }, ], 'pricing': { 'estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts': 123.0, 'estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments': 123.0, 'estimatedDiscounts': { 'savingsPlansDiscount': 123.0, 'reservedInstancesDiscount': 123.0, 'otherDiscount': 123.0 }, 'estimatedCostAfterDiscounts': 123.0 } } }, 'ec2Instance': { 'configuration': { 'instance': { 'type': 'string' } }, 'costCalculation': { 'usages': [ { 'usageType': 'string', 'usageAmount': 123.0, 'operation': 'string', 'productCode': 'string', 'unit': 'string' }, ], 'pricing': { 'estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts': 123.0, 'estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments': 123.0, 'estimatedDiscounts': { 'savingsPlansDiscount': 123.0, 'reservedInstancesDiscount': 123.0, 'otherDiscount': 123.0 }, 'estimatedCostAfterDiscounts': 123.0 } } }, 'ebsVolume': { 'configuration': { 'storage': { 'type': 'string', 'sizeInGb': 123.0 }, 'performance': { 'iops': 123.0, 'throughput': 123.0 }, 'attachmentState': 'string' }, 'costCalculation': { 'usages': [ { 'usageType': 'string', 'usageAmount': 123.0, 'operation': 'string', 'productCode': 'string', 'unit': 'string' }, ], 'pricing': { 'estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts': 123.0, 'estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments': 123.0, 'estimatedDiscounts': { 'savingsPlansDiscount': 123.0, 'reservedInstancesDiscount': 123.0, 'otherDiscount': 123.0 }, 'estimatedCostAfterDiscounts': 123.0 } } }, 'ec2AutoScalingGroup': { 'configuration': { 'instance': { 'type': 'string' }, 'mixedInstances': [ { 'type': 'string' }, ], 'type': 'SingleInstanceType'|'MixedInstanceTypes', 'allocationStrategy': 'Prioritized'|'LowestPrice' }, 'costCalculation': { 'usages': [ { 'usageType': 'string', 'usageAmount': 123.0, 'operation': 'string', 'productCode': 'string', 'unit': 'string' }, ], 'pricing': { 'estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts': 123.0, 'estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments': 123.0, 'estimatedDiscounts': { 'savingsPlansDiscount': 123.0, 'reservedInstancesDiscount': 123.0, 'otherDiscount': 123.0 }, 'estimatedCostAfterDiscounts': 123.0 } } }, 'ec2ReservedInstances': { 'configuration': { 'accountScope': 'string', 'service': 'string', 'normalizedUnitsToPurchase': 'string', 'term': 'string', 'paymentOption': 'string', 'numberOfInstancesToPurchase': 'string', 'offeringClass': 'string', 'instanceFamily': 'string', 'instanceType': 'string', 'reservedInstancesRegion': 'string', 'currentGeneration': 'string', 'platform': 'string', 'tenancy': 'string', 'sizeFlexEligible': True|False, 'upfrontCost': 'string', 'monthlyRecurringCost': 'string' }, 'costCalculation': { 'pricing': { 'estimatedOnDemandCost': 123.0, 'monthlyReservationEligibleCost': 123.0, 'savingsPercentage': 123.0, 'estimatedMonthlyAmortizedReservationCost': 123.0 } } }, 'rdsReservedInstances': { 'configuration': { 'accountScope': 'string', 'service': 'string', 'normalizedUnitsToPurchase': 'string', 'term': 'string', 'paymentOption': 'string', 'numberOfInstancesToPurchase': 'string', 'instanceFamily': 'string', 'instanceType': 'string', 'reservedInstancesRegion': 'string', 'sizeFlexEligible': True|False, 'currentGeneration': 'string', 'upfrontCost': 'string', 'monthlyRecurringCost': 'string', 'licenseModel': 'string', 'databaseEdition': 'string', 'databaseEngine': 'string', 'deploymentOption': 'string' }, 'costCalculation': { 'pricing': { 'estimatedOnDemandCost': 123.0, 'monthlyReservationEligibleCost': 123.0, 'savingsPercentage': 123.0, 'estimatedMonthlyAmortizedReservationCost': 123.0 } } }, 'elastiCacheReservedInstances': { 'configuration': { 'accountScope': 'string', 'service': 'string', 'normalizedUnitsToPurchase': 'string', 'term': 'string', 'paymentOption': 'string', 'numberOfInstancesToPurchase': 'string', 'instanceFamily': 'string', 'instanceType': 'string', 'reservedInstancesRegion': 'string', 'currentGeneration': 'string', 'sizeFlexEligible': True|False, 'upfrontCost': 'string', 'monthlyRecurringCost': 'string' }, 'costCalculation': { 'pricing': { 'estimatedOnDemandCost': 123.0, 'monthlyReservationEligibleCost': 123.0, 'savingsPercentage': 123.0, 'estimatedMonthlyAmortizedReservationCost': 123.0 } } }, 'openSearchReservedInstances': { 'configuration': { 'accountScope': 'string', 'service': 'string', 'normalizedUnitsToPurchase': 'string', 'term': 'string', 'paymentOption': 'string', 'numberOfInstancesToPurchase': 'string', 'instanceType': 'string', 'reservedInstancesRegion': 'string', 'currentGeneration': 'string', 'sizeFlexEligible': True|False, 'upfrontCost': 'string', 'monthlyRecurringCost': 'string' }, 'costCalculation': { 'pricing': { 'estimatedOnDemandCost': 123.0, 'monthlyReservationEligibleCost': 123.0, 'savingsPercentage': 123.0, 'estimatedMonthlyAmortizedReservationCost': 123.0 } } }, 'redshiftReservedInstances': { 'configuration': { 'accountScope': 'string', 'service': 'string', 'normalizedUnitsToPurchase': 'string', 'term': 'string', 'paymentOption': 'string', 'numberOfInstancesToPurchase': 'string', 'instanceFamily': 'string', 'instanceType': 'string', 'reservedInstancesRegion': 'string', 'sizeFlexEligible': True|False, 'currentGeneration': 'string', 'upfrontCost': 'string', 'monthlyRecurringCost': 'string' }, 'costCalculation': { 'pricing': { 'estimatedOnDemandCost': 123.0, 'monthlyReservationEligibleCost': 123.0, 'savingsPercentage': 123.0, 'estimatedMonthlyAmortizedReservationCost': 123.0 } } }, 'ec2InstanceSavingsPlans': { 'configuration': { 'accountScope': 'string', 'term': 'string', 'paymentOption': 'string', 'hourlyCommitment': 'string', 'instanceFamily': 'string', 'savingsPlansRegion': 'string' }, 'costCalculation': { 'pricing': { 'monthlySavingsPlansEligibleCost': 123.0, 'estimatedMonthlyCommitment': 123.0, 'savingsPercentage': 123.0, 'estimatedOnDemandCost': 123.0 } } }, 'computeSavingsPlans': { 'configuration': { 'accountScope': 'string', 'term': 'string', 'paymentOption': 'string', 'hourlyCommitment': 'string' }, 'costCalculation': { 'pricing': { 'monthlySavingsPlansEligibleCost': 123.0, 'estimatedMonthlyCommitment': 123.0, 'savingsPercentage': 123.0, 'estimatedOnDemandCost': 123.0 } } }, 'sageMakerSavingsPlans': { 'configuration': { 'accountScope': 'string', 'term': 'string', 'paymentOption': 'string', 'hourlyCommitment': 'string' }, 'costCalculation': { 'pricing': { 'monthlySavingsPlansEligibleCost': 123.0, 'estimatedMonthlyCommitment': 123.0, 'savingsPercentage': 123.0, 'estimatedOnDemandCost': 123.0 } } }, 'rdsDbInstance': { 'configuration': { 'instance': { 'dbInstanceClass': 'string' } }, 'costCalculation': { 'usages': [ { 'usageType': 'string', 'usageAmount': 123.0, 'operation': 'string', 'productCode': 'string', 'unit': 'string' }, ], 'pricing': { 'estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts': 123.0, 'estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments': 123.0, 'estimatedDiscounts': { 'savingsPlansDiscount': 123.0, 'reservedInstancesDiscount': 123.0, 'otherDiscount': 123.0 }, 'estimatedCostAfterDiscounts': 123.0 } } }, 'rdsDbInstanceStorage': { 'configuration': { 'storageType': 'string', 'allocatedStorageInGb': 123.0, 'iops': 123.0, 'storageThroughput': 123.0 }, 'costCalculation': { 'usages': [ { 'usageType': 'string', 'usageAmount': 123.0, 'operation': 'string', 'productCode': 'string', 'unit': 'string' }, ], 'pricing': { 'estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts': 123.0, 'estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments': 123.0, 'estimatedDiscounts': { 'savingsPlansDiscount': 123.0, 'reservedInstancesDiscount': 123.0, 'otherDiscount': 123.0 }, 'estimatedCostAfterDiscounts': 123.0 } } } }, 'recommendedResourceDetails': { 'lambdaFunction': { 'configuration': { 'compute': { 'vCpu': 123.0, 'memorySizeInMB': 123, 'architecture': 'string', 'platform': 'string' } }, 'costCalculation': { 'usages': [ { 'usageType': 'string', 'usageAmount': 123.0, 'operation': 'string', 'productCode': 'string', 'unit': 'string' }, ], 'pricing': { 'estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts': 123.0, 'estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments': 123.0, 'estimatedDiscounts': { 'savingsPlansDiscount': 123.0, 'reservedInstancesDiscount': 123.0, 'otherDiscount': 123.0 }, 'estimatedCostAfterDiscounts': 123.0 } } }, 'ecsService': { 'configuration': { 'compute': { 'vCpu': 123.0, 'memorySizeInMB': 123, 'architecture': 'string', 'platform': 'string' } }, 'costCalculation': { 'usages': [ { 'usageType': 'string', 'usageAmount': 123.0, 'operation': 'string', 'productCode': 'string', 'unit': 'string' }, ], 'pricing': { 'estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts': 123.0, 'estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments': 123.0, 'estimatedDiscounts': { 'savingsPlansDiscount': 123.0, 'reservedInstancesDiscount': 123.0, 'otherDiscount': 123.0 }, 'estimatedCostAfterDiscounts': 123.0 } } }, 'ec2Instance': { 'configuration': { 'instance': { 'type': 'string' } }, 'costCalculation': { 'usages': [ { 'usageType': 'string', 'usageAmount': 123.0, 'operation': 'string', 'productCode': 'string', 'unit': 'string' }, ], 'pricing': { 'estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts': 123.0, 'estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments': 123.0, 'estimatedDiscounts': { 'savingsPlansDiscount': 123.0, 'reservedInstancesDiscount': 123.0, 'otherDiscount': 123.0 }, 'estimatedCostAfterDiscounts': 123.0 } } }, 'ebsVolume': { 'configuration': { 'storage': { 'type': 'string', 'sizeInGb': 123.0 }, 'performance': { 'iops': 123.0, 'throughput': 123.0 }, 'attachmentState': 'string' }, 'costCalculation': { 'usages': [ { 'usageType': 'string', 'usageAmount': 123.0, 'operation': 'string', 'productCode': 'string', 'unit': 'string' }, ], 'pricing': { 'estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts': 123.0, 'estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments': 123.0, 'estimatedDiscounts': { 'savingsPlansDiscount': 123.0, 'reservedInstancesDiscount': 123.0, 'otherDiscount': 123.0 }, 'estimatedCostAfterDiscounts': 123.0 } } }, 'ec2AutoScalingGroup': { 'configuration': { 'instance': { 'type': 'string' }, 'mixedInstances': [ { 'type': 'string' }, ], 'type': 'SingleInstanceType'|'MixedInstanceTypes', 'allocationStrategy': 'Prioritized'|'LowestPrice' }, 'costCalculation': { 'usages': [ { 'usageType': 'string', 'usageAmount': 123.0, 'operation': 'string', 'productCode': 'string', 'unit': 'string' }, ], 'pricing': { 'estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts': 123.0, 'estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments': 123.0, 'estimatedDiscounts': { 'savingsPlansDiscount': 123.0, 'reservedInstancesDiscount': 123.0, 'otherDiscount': 123.0 }, 'estimatedCostAfterDiscounts': 123.0 } } }, 'ec2ReservedInstances': { 'configuration': { 'accountScope': 'string', 'service': 'string', 'normalizedUnitsToPurchase': 'string', 'term': 'string', 'paymentOption': 'string', 'numberOfInstancesToPurchase': 'string', 'offeringClass': 'string', 'instanceFamily': 'string', 'instanceType': 'string', 'reservedInstancesRegion': 'string', 'currentGeneration': 'string', 'platform': 'string', 'tenancy': 'string', 'sizeFlexEligible': True|False, 'upfrontCost': 'string', 'monthlyRecurringCost': 'string' }, 'costCalculation': { 'pricing': { 'estimatedOnDemandCost': 123.0, 'monthlyReservationEligibleCost': 123.0, 'savingsPercentage': 123.0, 'estimatedMonthlyAmortizedReservationCost': 123.0 } } }, 'rdsReservedInstances': { 'configuration': { 'accountScope': 'string', 'service': 'string', 'normalizedUnitsToPurchase': 'string', 'term': 'string', 'paymentOption': 'string', 'numberOfInstancesToPurchase': 'string', 'instanceFamily': 'string', 'instanceType': 'string', 'reservedInstancesRegion': 'string', 'sizeFlexEligible': True|False, 'currentGeneration': 'string', 'upfrontCost': 'string', 'monthlyRecurringCost': 'string', 'licenseModel': 'string', 'databaseEdition': 'string', 'databaseEngine': 'string', 'deploymentOption': 'string' }, 'costCalculation': { 'pricing': { 'estimatedOnDemandCost': 123.0, 'monthlyReservationEligibleCost': 123.0, 'savingsPercentage': 123.0, 'estimatedMonthlyAmortizedReservationCost': 123.0 } } }, 'elastiCacheReservedInstances': { 'configuration': { 'accountScope': 'string', 'service': 'string', 'normalizedUnitsToPurchase': 'string', 'term': 'string', 'paymentOption': 'string', 'numberOfInstancesToPurchase': 'string', 'instanceFamily': 'string', 'instanceType': 'string', 'reservedInstancesRegion': 'string', 'currentGeneration': 'string', 'sizeFlexEligible': True|False, 'upfrontCost': 'string', 'monthlyRecurringCost': 'string' }, 'costCalculation': { 'pricing': { 'estimatedOnDemandCost': 123.0, 'monthlyReservationEligibleCost': 123.0, 'savingsPercentage': 123.0, 'estimatedMonthlyAmortizedReservationCost': 123.0 } } }, 'openSearchReservedInstances': { 'configuration': { 'accountScope': 'string', 'service': 'string', 'normalizedUnitsToPurchase': 'string', 'term': 'string', 'paymentOption': 'string', 'numberOfInstancesToPurchase': 'string', 'instanceType': 'string', 'reservedInstancesRegion': 'string', 'currentGeneration': 'string', 'sizeFlexEligible': True|False, 'upfrontCost': 'string', 'monthlyRecurringCost': 'string' }, 'costCalculation': { 'pricing': { 'estimatedOnDemandCost': 123.0, 'monthlyReservationEligibleCost': 123.0, 'savingsPercentage': 123.0, 'estimatedMonthlyAmortizedReservationCost': 123.0 } } }, 'redshiftReservedInstances': { 'configuration': { 'accountScope': 'string', 'service': 'string', 'normalizedUnitsToPurchase': 'string', 'term': 'string', 'paymentOption': 'string', 'numberOfInstancesToPurchase': 'string', 'instanceFamily': 'string', 'instanceType': 'string', 'reservedInstancesRegion': 'string', 'sizeFlexEligible': True|False, 'currentGeneration': 'string', 'upfrontCost': 'string', 'monthlyRecurringCost': 'string' }, 'costCalculation': { 'pricing': { 'estimatedOnDemandCost': 123.0, 'monthlyReservationEligibleCost': 123.0, 'savingsPercentage': 123.0, 'estimatedMonthlyAmortizedReservationCost': 123.0 } } }, 'ec2InstanceSavingsPlans': { 'configuration': { 'accountScope': 'string', 'term': 'string', 'paymentOption': 'string', 'hourlyCommitment': 'string', 'instanceFamily': 'string', 'savingsPlansRegion': 'string' }, 'costCalculation': { 'pricing': { 'monthlySavingsPlansEligibleCost': 123.0, 'estimatedMonthlyCommitment': 123.0, 'savingsPercentage': 123.0, 'estimatedOnDemandCost': 123.0 } } }, 'computeSavingsPlans': { 'configuration': { 'accountScope': 'string', 'term': 'string', 'paymentOption': 'string', 'hourlyCommitment': 'string' }, 'costCalculation': { 'pricing': { 'monthlySavingsPlansEligibleCost': 123.0, 'estimatedMonthlyCommitment': 123.0, 'savingsPercentage': 123.0, 'estimatedOnDemandCost': 123.0 } } }, 'sageMakerSavingsPlans': { 'configuration': { 'accountScope': 'string', 'term': 'string', 'paymentOption': 'string', 'hourlyCommitment': 'string' }, 'costCalculation': { 'pricing': { 'monthlySavingsPlansEligibleCost': 123.0, 'estimatedMonthlyCommitment': 123.0, 'savingsPercentage': 123.0, 'estimatedOnDemandCost': 123.0 } } }, 'rdsDbInstance': { 'configuration': { 'instance': { 'dbInstanceClass': 'string' } }, 'costCalculation': { 'usages': [ { 'usageType': 'string', 'usageAmount': 123.0, 'operation': 'string', 'productCode': 'string', 'unit': 'string' }, ], 'pricing': { 'estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts': 123.0, 'estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments': 123.0, 'estimatedDiscounts': { 'savingsPlansDiscount': 123.0, 'reservedInstancesDiscount': 123.0, 'otherDiscount': 123.0 }, 'estimatedCostAfterDiscounts': 123.0 } } }, 'rdsDbInstanceStorage': { 'configuration': { 'storageType': 'string', 'allocatedStorageInGb': 123.0, 'iops': 123.0, 'storageThroughput': 123.0 }, 'costCalculation': { 'usages': [ { 'usageType': 'string', 'usageAmount': 123.0, 'operation': 'string', 'productCode': 'string', 'unit': 'string' }, ], 'pricing': { 'estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts': 123.0, 'estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments': 123.0, 'estimatedDiscounts': { 'savingsPlansDiscount': 123.0, 'reservedInstancesDiscount': 123.0, 'otherDiscount': 123.0 }, 'estimatedCostAfterDiscounts': 123.0 } } } }, 'tags': [ { 'key': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) –
recommendationId (string) –
The ID for the recommendation.
resourceId (string) –
The unique identifier for the resource. This is the same as the Amazon Resource Name (ARN), if available.
resourceArn (string) –
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
accountId (string) –
The account that the recommendation is for.
currencyCode (string) –
The currency code used for the recommendation.
recommendationLookbackPeriodInDays (integer) –
The lookback period that’s used to generate the recommendation.
costCalculationLookbackPeriodInDays (integer) –
The lookback period used to calculate cost impact for a recommendation.
estimatedSavingsPercentage (float) –
The estimated savings percentage relative to the total cost over the cost calculation lookback period.
estimatedSavingsOverCostCalculationLookbackPeriod (float) –
The estimated savings amount over the lookback period used to calculate cost impact for a recommendation.
currentResourceType (string) –
The type of resource.
recommendedResourceType (string) –
The resource type of the recommendation.
region (string) –
The Amazon Web Services Region of the resource.
source (string) –
The source of the recommendation.
lastRefreshTimestamp (datetime) –
The time when the recommendation was last generated.
estimatedMonthlySavings (float) –
The estimated monthly savings amount for the recommendation.
estimatedMonthlyCost (float) –
The estimated monthly cost of the current resource. For Reserved Instances and Savings Plans, it refers to the cost for eligible usage.
implementationEffort (string) –
The effort required to implement the recommendation.
restartNeeded (boolean) –
Whether or not implementing the recommendation requires a restart.
actionType (string) –
The type of action you can take by adopting the recommendation.
rollbackPossible (boolean) –
Whether or not implementing the recommendation can be rolled back.
currentResourceDetails (dict) –
The details for the resource.
This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys will be set:
. If a client receives an unknown member it will setSDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER
as the top level key, which maps to the name or tag of the unknown member. The structure ofSDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER
is as follows:'SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER': {'name': 'UnknownMemberName'}
lambdaFunction (dict) –
The Lambda function recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The Lambda function configuration used for recommendations.
compute (dict) –
Details about the compute configuration.
vCpu (float) –
The number of vCPU cores in the resource.
memorySizeInMB (integer) –
The memory size of the resource.
architecture (string) –
The architecture of the resource.
platform (string) –
The platform of the resource. The platform is the specific combination of operating system, license model, and software on an instance.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the recommendation.
usages (list) –
Usage details of the resource recommendation.
(dict) –
Details about the usage.
usageType (string) –
The usage type.
usageAmount (float) –
The usage amount.
operation (string) –
The operation value.
productCode (string) –
The product code.
unit (string) –
The usage unit.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the resource recommendation.
estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate using Amazon Web Services public pricing without incorporating any discounts.
estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments (float) –
The estimated net unused amortized commitment for the recommendation.
estimatedDiscounts (dict) –
The estimated discounts for a recommendation.
savingsPlansDiscount (float) –
Estimated Savings Plans discounts.
reservedInstancesDiscount (float) –
Estimated reserved instance discounts.
otherDiscount (float) –
Estimated other discounts include all discounts that are not itemized. Itemized discounts include
estimatedCostAfterDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate incorporating all discounts with Amazon Web Services, such as Reserved Instances and Savings Plans.
ecsService (dict) –
The ECS service recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The ECS service configuration used for recommendations.
compute (dict) –
Details about the compute configuration.
vCpu (float) –
The number of vCPU cores in the resource.
memorySizeInMB (integer) –
The memory size of the resource.
architecture (string) –
The architecture of the resource.
platform (string) –
The platform of the resource. The platform is the specific combination of operating system, license model, and software on an instance.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the recommendation.
usages (list) –
Usage details of the resource recommendation.
(dict) –
Details about the usage.
usageType (string) –
The usage type.
usageAmount (float) –
The usage amount.
operation (string) –
The operation value.
productCode (string) –
The product code.
unit (string) –
The usage unit.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the resource recommendation.
estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate using Amazon Web Services public pricing without incorporating any discounts.
estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments (float) –
The estimated net unused amortized commitment for the recommendation.
estimatedDiscounts (dict) –
The estimated discounts for a recommendation.
savingsPlansDiscount (float) –
Estimated Savings Plans discounts.
reservedInstancesDiscount (float) –
Estimated reserved instance discounts.
otherDiscount (float) –
Estimated other discounts include all discounts that are not itemized. Itemized discounts include
estimatedCostAfterDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate incorporating all discounts with Amazon Web Services, such as Reserved Instances and Savings Plans.
ec2Instance (dict) –
The EC2 instance recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The EC2 instance configuration used for recommendations.
instance (dict) –
Details about the instance.
type (string) –
The instance type of the configuration.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the recommendation.
usages (list) –
Usage details of the resource recommendation.
(dict) –
Details about the usage.
usageType (string) –
The usage type.
usageAmount (float) –
The usage amount.
operation (string) –
The operation value.
productCode (string) –
The product code.
unit (string) –
The usage unit.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the resource recommendation.
estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate using Amazon Web Services public pricing without incorporating any discounts.
estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments (float) –
The estimated net unused amortized commitment for the recommendation.
estimatedDiscounts (dict) –
The estimated discounts for a recommendation.
savingsPlansDiscount (float) –
Estimated Savings Plans discounts.
reservedInstancesDiscount (float) –
Estimated reserved instance discounts.
otherDiscount (float) –
Estimated other discounts include all discounts that are not itemized. Itemized discounts include
estimatedCostAfterDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate incorporating all discounts with Amazon Web Services, such as Reserved Instances and Savings Plans.
ebsVolume (dict) –
The Amazon Elastic Block Store volume recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The Amazon Elastic Block Store volume configuration used for recommendations.
storage (dict) –
The disk storage of the Amazon Elastic Block Store volume.
type (string) –
The storage type.
sizeInGb (float) –
The storage volume.
performance (dict) –
The Amazon Elastic Block Store performance configuration.
iops (float) –
The number of I/O operations per second.
throughput (float) –
The throughput that the volume supports.
attachmentState (string) –
The Amazon Elastic Block Store attachment state.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the recommendation.
usages (list) –
Usage details of the resource recommendation.
(dict) –
Details about the usage.
usageType (string) –
The usage type.
usageAmount (float) –
The usage amount.
operation (string) –
The operation value.
productCode (string) –
The product code.
unit (string) –
The usage unit.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the resource recommendation.
estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate using Amazon Web Services public pricing without incorporating any discounts.
estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments (float) –
The estimated net unused amortized commitment for the recommendation.
estimatedDiscounts (dict) –
The estimated discounts for a recommendation.
savingsPlansDiscount (float) –
Estimated Savings Plans discounts.
reservedInstancesDiscount (float) –
Estimated reserved instance discounts.
otherDiscount (float) –
Estimated other discounts include all discounts that are not itemized. Itemized discounts include
estimatedCostAfterDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate incorporating all discounts with Amazon Web Services, such as Reserved Instances and Savings Plans.
ec2AutoScalingGroup (dict) –
The EC2 Auto Scaling group recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The EC2 Auto Scaling group configuration used for recommendations.
instance (dict) –
Details about the instance for the EC2 Auto Scaling group with a single instance type.
type (string) –
The instance type of the configuration.
mixedInstances (list) –
A list of instance types for an EC2 Auto Scaling group with mixed instance types.
(dict) –
The configuration for the EC2 Auto Scaling group with mixed instance types.
type (string) –
The instance type of the configuration.
type (string) –
The type of EC2 Auto Scaling group, showing whether it consists of a single instance type or mixed instance types.
allocationStrategy (string) –
The strategy used for allocating instances, based on a predefined priority order or based on the lowest available price.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the recommendation.
usages (list) –
Usage details of the resource recommendation.
(dict) –
Details about the usage.
usageType (string) –
The usage type.
usageAmount (float) –
The usage amount.
operation (string) –
The operation value.
productCode (string) –
The product code.
unit (string) –
The usage unit.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the resource recommendation.
estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate using Amazon Web Services public pricing without incorporating any discounts.
estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments (float) –
The estimated net unused amortized commitment for the recommendation.
estimatedDiscounts (dict) –
The estimated discounts for a recommendation.
savingsPlansDiscount (float) –
Estimated Savings Plans discounts.
reservedInstancesDiscount (float) –
Estimated reserved instance discounts.
otherDiscount (float) –
Estimated other discounts include all discounts that are not itemized. Itemized discounts include
estimatedCostAfterDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate incorporating all discounts with Amazon Web Services, such as Reserved Instances and Savings Plans.
ec2ReservedInstances (dict) –
The EC2 reserved instances recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The EC2 reserved instances configuration used for recommendations.
accountScope (string) –
The account scope that you want your recommendations for.
service (string) –
The service that you want your recommendations for.
normalizedUnitsToPurchase (string) –
The number of normalized units that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.
term (string) –
The reserved instances recommendation term in years.
paymentOption (string) –
The payment option for the commitment.
numberOfInstancesToPurchase (string) –
The number of instances that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.
offeringClass (string) –
Indicates whether the recommendation is for standard or convertible reservations.
instanceFamily (string) –
The instance family of the recommended reservation.
instanceType (string) –
The type of instance that Amazon Web Services recommends.
reservedInstancesRegion (string) –
The Amazon Web Services Region of the commitment.
currentGeneration (string) –
Determines whether the recommendation is for a current generation instance.
platform (string) –
The platform of the recommended reservation. The platform is the specific combination of operating system, license model, and software on an instance.
tenancy (string) –
Determines whether the recommended reservation is dedicated or shared.
sizeFlexEligible (boolean) –
Determines whether the recommendation is size flexible.
upfrontCost (string) –
How much purchasing this instance costs you upfront.
monthlyRecurringCost (string) –
How much purchasing reserved instances costs you on a monthly basis.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the purchase recommendation.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the purchase recommendation.
estimatedOnDemandCost (float) –
The remaining On-Demand cost estimated to not be covered by the recommended reserved instance, over the length of the lookback period.
monthlyReservationEligibleCost (float) –
The cost of paying for the recommended reserved instance monthly.
savingsPercentage (float) –
The savings percentage relative to the total On-Demand costs that are associated with this instance.
estimatedMonthlyAmortizedReservationCost (float) –
The estimated cost of your recurring monthly fees for the recommended reserved instance across the month.
rdsReservedInstances (dict) –
The RDS reserved instances recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The RDS reserved instances configuration used for recommendations.
accountScope (string) –
The account scope that you want your recommendations for.
service (string) –
The service that you want your recommendations for.
normalizedUnitsToPurchase (string) –
The number of normalized units that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.
term (string) –
The reserved instances recommendation term in years.
paymentOption (string) –
The payment option for the commitment.
numberOfInstancesToPurchase (string) –
The number of instances that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.
instanceFamily (string) –
The instance family of the recommended reservation.
instanceType (string) –
The type of instance that Amazon Web Services recommends.
reservedInstancesRegion (string) –
The Amazon Web Services Region of the commitment.
sizeFlexEligible (boolean) –
Determines whether the recommendation is size flexible.
currentGeneration (string) –
Determines whether the recommendation is for a current generation instance.
upfrontCost (string) –
How much purchasing this instance costs you upfront.
monthlyRecurringCost (string) –
How much purchasing this instance costs you on a monthly basis.
licenseModel (string) –
The license model that the recommended reservation supports.
databaseEdition (string) –
The database edition that the recommended reservation supports.
databaseEngine (string) –
The database engine that the recommended reservation supports.
deploymentOption (string) –
Determines whether the recommendation is for a reservation in a single Availability Zone or a reservation with a backup in a second Availability Zone.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the purchase recommendation.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the purchase recommendation.
estimatedOnDemandCost (float) –
The remaining On-Demand cost estimated to not be covered by the recommended reserved instance, over the length of the lookback period.
monthlyReservationEligibleCost (float) –
The cost of paying for the recommended reserved instance monthly.
savingsPercentage (float) –
The savings percentage relative to the total On-Demand costs that are associated with this instance.
estimatedMonthlyAmortizedReservationCost (float) –
The estimated cost of your recurring monthly fees for the recommended reserved instance across the month.
elastiCacheReservedInstances (dict) –
The ElastiCache reserved instances recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The ElastiCache reserved instances configuration used for recommendations.
accountScope (string) –
The account scope that you want your recommendations for.
service (string) –
The service that you want your recommendations for.
normalizedUnitsToPurchase (string) –
The number of normalized units that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.
term (string) –
The reserved instances recommendation term in years.
paymentOption (string) –
The payment option for the commitment.
numberOfInstancesToPurchase (string) –
The number of instances that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.
instanceFamily (string) –
The instance family of the recommended reservation.
instanceType (string) –
The type of instance that Amazon Web Services recommends.
reservedInstancesRegion (string) –
The Amazon Web Services Region of the commitment.
currentGeneration (string) –
Determines whether the recommendation is for a current generation instance.
sizeFlexEligible (boolean) –
Determines whether the recommendation is size flexible.
upfrontCost (string) –
How much purchasing this instance costs you upfront.
monthlyRecurringCost (string) –
How much purchasing reserved instances costs you on a monthly basis.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the purchase recommendation.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the purchase recommendation.
estimatedOnDemandCost (float) –
The remaining On-Demand cost estimated to not be covered by the recommended reserved instance, over the length of the lookback period.
monthlyReservationEligibleCost (float) –
The cost of paying for the recommended reserved instance monthly.
savingsPercentage (float) –
The savings percentage relative to the total On-Demand costs that are associated with this instance.
estimatedMonthlyAmortizedReservationCost (float) –
The estimated cost of your recurring monthly fees for the recommended reserved instance across the month.
openSearchReservedInstances (dict) –
The OpenSearch reserved instances recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The OpenSearch reserved instances configuration used for recommendations.
accountScope (string) –
The account scope that you want your recommendations for.
service (string) –
The service that you want your recommendations for.
normalizedUnitsToPurchase (string) –
The number of normalized units that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.
term (string) –
The reserved instances recommendation term in years.
paymentOption (string) –
The payment option for the commitment.
numberOfInstancesToPurchase (string) –
The number of instances that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.
instanceType (string) –
The type of instance that Amazon Web Services recommends.
reservedInstancesRegion (string) –
The Amazon Web Services Region of the commitment.
currentGeneration (string) –
Determines whether the recommendation is for a current generation instance.
sizeFlexEligible (boolean) –
Determines whether the recommendation is size flexible.
upfrontCost (string) –
How much purchasing this instance costs you upfront.
monthlyRecurringCost (string) –
How much purchasing reserved instances costs you on a monthly basis.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the purchase recommendation.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the purchase recommendation.
estimatedOnDemandCost (float) –
The remaining On-Demand cost estimated to not be covered by the recommended reserved instance, over the length of the lookback period.
monthlyReservationEligibleCost (float) –
The cost of paying for the recommended reserved instance monthly.
savingsPercentage (float) –
The savings percentage relative to the total On-Demand costs that are associated with this instance.
estimatedMonthlyAmortizedReservationCost (float) –
The estimated cost of your recurring monthly fees for the recommended reserved instance across the month.
redshiftReservedInstances (dict) –
The Redshift reserved instances recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The Redshift reserved instances configuration used for recommendations.
accountScope (string) –
The account scope that you want your recommendations for.
service (string) –
The service that you want your recommendations for.
normalizedUnitsToPurchase (string) –
The number of normalized units that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.
term (string) –
The reserved instances recommendation term in years.
paymentOption (string) –
The payment option for the commitment.
numberOfInstancesToPurchase (string) –
The number of instances that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.
instanceFamily (string) –
The instance family of the recommended reservation.
instanceType (string) –
The type of instance that Amazon Web Services recommends.
reservedInstancesRegion (string) –
The Amazon Web Services Region of the commitment.
sizeFlexEligible (boolean) –
Determines whether the recommendation is size flexible.
currentGeneration (string) –
Determines whether the recommendation is for a current generation instance.
upfrontCost (string) –
How much purchasing this instance costs you upfront.
monthlyRecurringCost (string) –
How much purchasing reserved instances costs you on a monthly basis.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the purchase recommendation.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the purchase recommendation.
estimatedOnDemandCost (float) –
The remaining On-Demand cost estimated to not be covered by the recommended reserved instance, over the length of the lookback period.
monthlyReservationEligibleCost (float) –
The cost of paying for the recommended reserved instance monthly.
savingsPercentage (float) –
The savings percentage relative to the total On-Demand costs that are associated with this instance.
estimatedMonthlyAmortizedReservationCost (float) –
The estimated cost of your recurring monthly fees for the recommended reserved instance across the month.
ec2InstanceSavingsPlans (dict) –
The EC2 instance Savings Plans recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The EC2 instance Savings Plans configuration used for recommendations.
accountScope (string) –
The account scope that you want your recommendations for.
term (string) –
The Savings Plans recommendation term in years.
paymentOption (string) –
The payment option for the commitment.
hourlyCommitment (string) –
The hourly commitment for the Savings Plans type.
instanceFamily (string) –
The instance family of the recommended Savings Plan.
savingsPlansRegion (string) –
The Amazon Web Services Region of the commitment.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the Savings Plans purchase recommendation.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the purchase recommendation.
monthlySavingsPlansEligibleCost (float) –
The cost of paying for the recommended Savings Plan monthly.
estimatedMonthlyCommitment (float) –
Estimated monthly commitment for the Savings Plan.
savingsPercentage (float) –
Estimated savings as a percentage of your overall costs after buying the Savings Plan.
estimatedOnDemandCost (float) –
Estimated On-Demand cost you will pay after buying the Savings Plan.
computeSavingsPlans (dict) –
The Compute Savings Plans recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
Configuration details of the Compute Savings Plans to purchase.
accountScope (string) –
The account scope that you want your recommendations for. Amazon Web Services calculates recommendations including the management account and member accounts if the value is set to
. If the value isLINKED
, recommendations are calculated for individual member accounts only.term (string) –
The Savings Plans recommendation term in years.
paymentOption (string) –
The payment option for the commitment.
hourlyCommitment (string) –
The hourly commitment for the Savings Plans type.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the Savings Plans purchase recommendation.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the purchase recommendation.
monthlySavingsPlansEligibleCost (float) –
The cost of paying for the recommended Savings Plan monthly.
estimatedMonthlyCommitment (float) –
Estimated monthly commitment for the Savings Plan.
savingsPercentage (float) –
Estimated savings as a percentage of your overall costs after buying the Savings Plan.
estimatedOnDemandCost (float) –
Estimated On-Demand cost you will pay after buying the Savings Plan.
sageMakerSavingsPlans (dict) –
The SageMaker AI Savings Plans recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The SageMaker Savings Plans configuration used for recommendations.
accountScope (string) –
The account scope that you want your recommendations for.
term (string) –
The Savings Plans recommendation term in years.
paymentOption (string) –
The payment option for the commitment.
hourlyCommitment (string) –
The hourly commitment for the Savings Plans type.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the Savings Plans purchase recommendation.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the purchase recommendation.
monthlySavingsPlansEligibleCost (float) –
The cost of paying for the recommended Savings Plan monthly.
estimatedMonthlyCommitment (float) –
Estimated monthly commitment for the Savings Plan.
savingsPercentage (float) –
Estimated savings as a percentage of your overall costs after buying the Savings Plan.
estimatedOnDemandCost (float) –
Estimated On-Demand cost you will pay after buying the Savings Plan.
rdsDbInstance (dict) –
The DB instance recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The Amazon RDS DB instance configuration used for recommendations.
instance (dict) –
Details about the instance configuration.
dbInstanceClass (string) –
The DB instance class of the DB instance.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the resource recommendation.
usages (list) –
Usage details of the resource recommendation.
(dict) –
Details about the usage.
usageType (string) –
The usage type.
usageAmount (float) –
The usage amount.
operation (string) –
The operation value.
productCode (string) –
The product code.
unit (string) –
The usage unit.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the resource recommendation.
estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate using Amazon Web Services public pricing without incorporating any discounts.
estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments (float) –
The estimated net unused amortized commitment for the recommendation.
estimatedDiscounts (dict) –
The estimated discounts for a recommendation.
savingsPlansDiscount (float) –
Estimated Savings Plans discounts.
reservedInstancesDiscount (float) –
Estimated reserved instance discounts.
otherDiscount (float) –
Estimated other discounts include all discounts that are not itemized. Itemized discounts include
estimatedCostAfterDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate incorporating all discounts with Amazon Web Services, such as Reserved Instances and Savings Plans.
rdsDbInstanceStorage (dict) –
The DB instance storage recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The Amazon RDS DB instance storage configuration used for recommendations.
storageType (string) –
The storage type to associate with the DB instance.
allocatedStorageInGb (float) –
The new amount of storage in GB to allocate for the DB instance.
iops (float) –
The amount of Provisioned IOPS (input/output operations per second) to be initially allocated for the DB instance.
storageThroughput (float) –
The storage throughput for the DB instance.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the resource recommendation.
usages (list) –
Usage details of the resource recommendation.
(dict) –
Details about the usage.
usageType (string) –
The usage type.
usageAmount (float) –
The usage amount.
operation (string) –
The operation value.
productCode (string) –
The product code.
unit (string) –
The usage unit.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the resource recommendation.
estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate using Amazon Web Services public pricing without incorporating any discounts.
estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments (float) –
The estimated net unused amortized commitment for the recommendation.
estimatedDiscounts (dict) –
The estimated discounts for a recommendation.
savingsPlansDiscount (float) –
Estimated Savings Plans discounts.
reservedInstancesDiscount (float) –
Estimated reserved instance discounts.
otherDiscount (float) –
Estimated other discounts include all discounts that are not itemized. Itemized discounts include
estimatedCostAfterDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate incorporating all discounts with Amazon Web Services, such as Reserved Instances and Savings Plans.
recommendedResourceDetails (dict) –
The details about the recommended resource.
This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys will be set:
. If a client receives an unknown member it will setSDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER
as the top level key, which maps to the name or tag of the unknown member. The structure ofSDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER
is as follows:'SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER': {'name': 'UnknownMemberName'}
lambdaFunction (dict) –
The Lambda function recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The Lambda function configuration used for recommendations.
compute (dict) –
Details about the compute configuration.
vCpu (float) –
The number of vCPU cores in the resource.
memorySizeInMB (integer) –
The memory size of the resource.
architecture (string) –
The architecture of the resource.
platform (string) –
The platform of the resource. The platform is the specific combination of operating system, license model, and software on an instance.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the recommendation.
usages (list) –
Usage details of the resource recommendation.
(dict) –
Details about the usage.
usageType (string) –
The usage type.
usageAmount (float) –
The usage amount.
operation (string) –
The operation value.
productCode (string) –
The product code.
unit (string) –
The usage unit.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the resource recommendation.
estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate using Amazon Web Services public pricing without incorporating any discounts.
estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments (float) –
The estimated net unused amortized commitment for the recommendation.
estimatedDiscounts (dict) –
The estimated discounts for a recommendation.
savingsPlansDiscount (float) –
Estimated Savings Plans discounts.
reservedInstancesDiscount (float) –
Estimated reserved instance discounts.
otherDiscount (float) –
Estimated other discounts include all discounts that are not itemized. Itemized discounts include
estimatedCostAfterDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate incorporating all discounts with Amazon Web Services, such as Reserved Instances and Savings Plans.
ecsService (dict) –
The ECS service recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The ECS service configuration used for recommendations.
compute (dict) –
Details about the compute configuration.
vCpu (float) –
The number of vCPU cores in the resource.
memorySizeInMB (integer) –
The memory size of the resource.
architecture (string) –
The architecture of the resource.
platform (string) –
The platform of the resource. The platform is the specific combination of operating system, license model, and software on an instance.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the recommendation.
usages (list) –
Usage details of the resource recommendation.
(dict) –
Details about the usage.
usageType (string) –
The usage type.
usageAmount (float) –
The usage amount.
operation (string) –
The operation value.
productCode (string) –
The product code.
unit (string) –
The usage unit.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the resource recommendation.
estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate using Amazon Web Services public pricing without incorporating any discounts.
estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments (float) –
The estimated net unused amortized commitment for the recommendation.
estimatedDiscounts (dict) –
The estimated discounts for a recommendation.
savingsPlansDiscount (float) –
Estimated Savings Plans discounts.
reservedInstancesDiscount (float) –
Estimated reserved instance discounts.
otherDiscount (float) –
Estimated other discounts include all discounts that are not itemized. Itemized discounts include
estimatedCostAfterDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate incorporating all discounts with Amazon Web Services, such as Reserved Instances and Savings Plans.
ec2Instance (dict) –
The EC2 instance recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The EC2 instance configuration used for recommendations.
instance (dict) –
Details about the instance.
type (string) –
The instance type of the configuration.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the recommendation.
usages (list) –
Usage details of the resource recommendation.
(dict) –
Details about the usage.
usageType (string) –
The usage type.
usageAmount (float) –
The usage amount.
operation (string) –
The operation value.
productCode (string) –
The product code.
unit (string) –
The usage unit.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the resource recommendation.
estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate using Amazon Web Services public pricing without incorporating any discounts.
estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments (float) –
The estimated net unused amortized commitment for the recommendation.
estimatedDiscounts (dict) –
The estimated discounts for a recommendation.
savingsPlansDiscount (float) –
Estimated Savings Plans discounts.
reservedInstancesDiscount (float) –
Estimated reserved instance discounts.
otherDiscount (float) –
Estimated other discounts include all discounts that are not itemized. Itemized discounts include
estimatedCostAfterDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate incorporating all discounts with Amazon Web Services, such as Reserved Instances and Savings Plans.
ebsVolume (dict) –
The Amazon Elastic Block Store volume recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The Amazon Elastic Block Store volume configuration used for recommendations.
storage (dict) –
The disk storage of the Amazon Elastic Block Store volume.
type (string) –
The storage type.
sizeInGb (float) –
The storage volume.
performance (dict) –
The Amazon Elastic Block Store performance configuration.
iops (float) –
The number of I/O operations per second.
throughput (float) –
The throughput that the volume supports.
attachmentState (string) –
The Amazon Elastic Block Store attachment state.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the recommendation.
usages (list) –
Usage details of the resource recommendation.
(dict) –
Details about the usage.
usageType (string) –
The usage type.
usageAmount (float) –
The usage amount.
operation (string) –
The operation value.
productCode (string) –
The product code.
unit (string) –
The usage unit.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the resource recommendation.
estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate using Amazon Web Services public pricing without incorporating any discounts.
estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments (float) –
The estimated net unused amortized commitment for the recommendation.
estimatedDiscounts (dict) –
The estimated discounts for a recommendation.
savingsPlansDiscount (float) –
Estimated Savings Plans discounts.
reservedInstancesDiscount (float) –
Estimated reserved instance discounts.
otherDiscount (float) –
Estimated other discounts include all discounts that are not itemized. Itemized discounts include
estimatedCostAfterDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate incorporating all discounts with Amazon Web Services, such as Reserved Instances and Savings Plans.
ec2AutoScalingGroup (dict) –
The EC2 Auto Scaling group recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The EC2 Auto Scaling group configuration used for recommendations.
instance (dict) –
Details about the instance for the EC2 Auto Scaling group with a single instance type.
type (string) –
The instance type of the configuration.
mixedInstances (list) –
A list of instance types for an EC2 Auto Scaling group with mixed instance types.
(dict) –
The configuration for the EC2 Auto Scaling group with mixed instance types.
type (string) –
The instance type of the configuration.
type (string) –
The type of EC2 Auto Scaling group, showing whether it consists of a single instance type or mixed instance types.
allocationStrategy (string) –
The strategy used for allocating instances, based on a predefined priority order or based on the lowest available price.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the recommendation.
usages (list) –
Usage details of the resource recommendation.
(dict) –
Details about the usage.
usageType (string) –
The usage type.
usageAmount (float) –
The usage amount.
operation (string) –
The operation value.
productCode (string) –
The product code.
unit (string) –
The usage unit.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the resource recommendation.
estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate using Amazon Web Services public pricing without incorporating any discounts.
estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments (float) –
The estimated net unused amortized commitment for the recommendation.
estimatedDiscounts (dict) –
The estimated discounts for a recommendation.
savingsPlansDiscount (float) –
Estimated Savings Plans discounts.
reservedInstancesDiscount (float) –
Estimated reserved instance discounts.
otherDiscount (float) –
Estimated other discounts include all discounts that are not itemized. Itemized discounts include
estimatedCostAfterDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate incorporating all discounts with Amazon Web Services, such as Reserved Instances and Savings Plans.
ec2ReservedInstances (dict) –
The EC2 reserved instances recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The EC2 reserved instances configuration used for recommendations.
accountScope (string) –
The account scope that you want your recommendations for.
service (string) –
The service that you want your recommendations for.
normalizedUnitsToPurchase (string) –
The number of normalized units that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.
term (string) –
The reserved instances recommendation term in years.
paymentOption (string) –
The payment option for the commitment.
numberOfInstancesToPurchase (string) –
The number of instances that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.
offeringClass (string) –
Indicates whether the recommendation is for standard or convertible reservations.
instanceFamily (string) –
The instance family of the recommended reservation.
instanceType (string) –
The type of instance that Amazon Web Services recommends.
reservedInstancesRegion (string) –
The Amazon Web Services Region of the commitment.
currentGeneration (string) –
Determines whether the recommendation is for a current generation instance.
platform (string) –
The platform of the recommended reservation. The platform is the specific combination of operating system, license model, and software on an instance.
tenancy (string) –
Determines whether the recommended reservation is dedicated or shared.
sizeFlexEligible (boolean) –
Determines whether the recommendation is size flexible.
upfrontCost (string) –
How much purchasing this instance costs you upfront.
monthlyRecurringCost (string) –
How much purchasing reserved instances costs you on a monthly basis.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the purchase recommendation.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the purchase recommendation.
estimatedOnDemandCost (float) –
The remaining On-Demand cost estimated to not be covered by the recommended reserved instance, over the length of the lookback period.
monthlyReservationEligibleCost (float) –
The cost of paying for the recommended reserved instance monthly.
savingsPercentage (float) –
The savings percentage relative to the total On-Demand costs that are associated with this instance.
estimatedMonthlyAmortizedReservationCost (float) –
The estimated cost of your recurring monthly fees for the recommended reserved instance across the month.
rdsReservedInstances (dict) –
The RDS reserved instances recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The RDS reserved instances configuration used for recommendations.
accountScope (string) –
The account scope that you want your recommendations for.
service (string) –
The service that you want your recommendations for.
normalizedUnitsToPurchase (string) –
The number of normalized units that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.
term (string) –
The reserved instances recommendation term in years.
paymentOption (string) –
The payment option for the commitment.
numberOfInstancesToPurchase (string) –
The number of instances that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.
instanceFamily (string) –
The instance family of the recommended reservation.
instanceType (string) –
The type of instance that Amazon Web Services recommends.
reservedInstancesRegion (string) –
The Amazon Web Services Region of the commitment.
sizeFlexEligible (boolean) –
Determines whether the recommendation is size flexible.
currentGeneration (string) –
Determines whether the recommendation is for a current generation instance.
upfrontCost (string) –
How much purchasing this instance costs you upfront.
monthlyRecurringCost (string) –
How much purchasing this instance costs you on a monthly basis.
licenseModel (string) –
The license model that the recommended reservation supports.
databaseEdition (string) –
The database edition that the recommended reservation supports.
databaseEngine (string) –
The database engine that the recommended reservation supports.
deploymentOption (string) –
Determines whether the recommendation is for a reservation in a single Availability Zone or a reservation with a backup in a second Availability Zone.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the purchase recommendation.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the purchase recommendation.
estimatedOnDemandCost (float) –
The remaining On-Demand cost estimated to not be covered by the recommended reserved instance, over the length of the lookback period.
monthlyReservationEligibleCost (float) –
The cost of paying for the recommended reserved instance monthly.
savingsPercentage (float) –
The savings percentage relative to the total On-Demand costs that are associated with this instance.
estimatedMonthlyAmortizedReservationCost (float) –
The estimated cost of your recurring monthly fees for the recommended reserved instance across the month.
elastiCacheReservedInstances (dict) –
The ElastiCache reserved instances recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The ElastiCache reserved instances configuration used for recommendations.
accountScope (string) –
The account scope that you want your recommendations for.
service (string) –
The service that you want your recommendations for.
normalizedUnitsToPurchase (string) –
The number of normalized units that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.
term (string) –
The reserved instances recommendation term in years.
paymentOption (string) –
The payment option for the commitment.
numberOfInstancesToPurchase (string) –
The number of instances that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.
instanceFamily (string) –
The instance family of the recommended reservation.
instanceType (string) –
The type of instance that Amazon Web Services recommends.
reservedInstancesRegion (string) –
The Amazon Web Services Region of the commitment.
currentGeneration (string) –
Determines whether the recommendation is for a current generation instance.
sizeFlexEligible (boolean) –
Determines whether the recommendation is size flexible.
upfrontCost (string) –
How much purchasing this instance costs you upfront.
monthlyRecurringCost (string) –
How much purchasing reserved instances costs you on a monthly basis.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the purchase recommendation.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the purchase recommendation.
estimatedOnDemandCost (float) –
The remaining On-Demand cost estimated to not be covered by the recommended reserved instance, over the length of the lookback period.
monthlyReservationEligibleCost (float) –
The cost of paying for the recommended reserved instance monthly.
savingsPercentage (float) –
The savings percentage relative to the total On-Demand costs that are associated with this instance.
estimatedMonthlyAmortizedReservationCost (float) –
The estimated cost of your recurring monthly fees for the recommended reserved instance across the month.
openSearchReservedInstances (dict) –
The OpenSearch reserved instances recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The OpenSearch reserved instances configuration used for recommendations.
accountScope (string) –
The account scope that you want your recommendations for.
service (string) –
The service that you want your recommendations for.
normalizedUnitsToPurchase (string) –
The number of normalized units that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.
term (string) –
The reserved instances recommendation term in years.
paymentOption (string) –
The payment option for the commitment.
numberOfInstancesToPurchase (string) –
The number of instances that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.
instanceType (string) –
The type of instance that Amazon Web Services recommends.
reservedInstancesRegion (string) –
The Amazon Web Services Region of the commitment.
currentGeneration (string) –
Determines whether the recommendation is for a current generation instance.
sizeFlexEligible (boolean) –
Determines whether the recommendation is size flexible.
upfrontCost (string) –
How much purchasing this instance costs you upfront.
monthlyRecurringCost (string) –
How much purchasing reserved instances costs you on a monthly basis.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the purchase recommendation.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the purchase recommendation.
estimatedOnDemandCost (float) –
The remaining On-Demand cost estimated to not be covered by the recommended reserved instance, over the length of the lookback period.
monthlyReservationEligibleCost (float) –
The cost of paying for the recommended reserved instance monthly.
savingsPercentage (float) –
The savings percentage relative to the total On-Demand costs that are associated with this instance.
estimatedMonthlyAmortizedReservationCost (float) –
The estimated cost of your recurring monthly fees for the recommended reserved instance across the month.
redshiftReservedInstances (dict) –
The Redshift reserved instances recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The Redshift reserved instances configuration used for recommendations.
accountScope (string) –
The account scope that you want your recommendations for.
service (string) –
The service that you want your recommendations for.
normalizedUnitsToPurchase (string) –
The number of normalized units that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.
term (string) –
The reserved instances recommendation term in years.
paymentOption (string) –
The payment option for the commitment.
numberOfInstancesToPurchase (string) –
The number of instances that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.
instanceFamily (string) –
The instance family of the recommended reservation.
instanceType (string) –
The type of instance that Amazon Web Services recommends.
reservedInstancesRegion (string) –
The Amazon Web Services Region of the commitment.
sizeFlexEligible (boolean) –
Determines whether the recommendation is size flexible.
currentGeneration (string) –
Determines whether the recommendation is for a current generation instance.
upfrontCost (string) –
How much purchasing this instance costs you upfront.
monthlyRecurringCost (string) –
How much purchasing reserved instances costs you on a monthly basis.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the purchase recommendation.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the purchase recommendation.
estimatedOnDemandCost (float) –
The remaining On-Demand cost estimated to not be covered by the recommended reserved instance, over the length of the lookback period.
monthlyReservationEligibleCost (float) –
The cost of paying for the recommended reserved instance monthly.
savingsPercentage (float) –
The savings percentage relative to the total On-Demand costs that are associated with this instance.
estimatedMonthlyAmortizedReservationCost (float) –
The estimated cost of your recurring monthly fees for the recommended reserved instance across the month.
ec2InstanceSavingsPlans (dict) –
The EC2 instance Savings Plans recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The EC2 instance Savings Plans configuration used for recommendations.
accountScope (string) –
The account scope that you want your recommendations for.
term (string) –
The Savings Plans recommendation term in years.
paymentOption (string) –
The payment option for the commitment.
hourlyCommitment (string) –
The hourly commitment for the Savings Plans type.
instanceFamily (string) –
The instance family of the recommended Savings Plan.
savingsPlansRegion (string) –
The Amazon Web Services Region of the commitment.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the Savings Plans purchase recommendation.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the purchase recommendation.
monthlySavingsPlansEligibleCost (float) –
The cost of paying for the recommended Savings Plan monthly.
estimatedMonthlyCommitment (float) –
Estimated monthly commitment for the Savings Plan.
savingsPercentage (float) –
Estimated savings as a percentage of your overall costs after buying the Savings Plan.
estimatedOnDemandCost (float) –
Estimated On-Demand cost you will pay after buying the Savings Plan.
computeSavingsPlans (dict) –
The Compute Savings Plans recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
Configuration details of the Compute Savings Plans to purchase.
accountScope (string) –
The account scope that you want your recommendations for. Amazon Web Services calculates recommendations including the management account and member accounts if the value is set to
. If the value isLINKED
, recommendations are calculated for individual member accounts only.term (string) –
The Savings Plans recommendation term in years.
paymentOption (string) –
The payment option for the commitment.
hourlyCommitment (string) –
The hourly commitment for the Savings Plans type.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the Savings Plans purchase recommendation.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the purchase recommendation.
monthlySavingsPlansEligibleCost (float) –
The cost of paying for the recommended Savings Plan monthly.
estimatedMonthlyCommitment (float) –
Estimated monthly commitment for the Savings Plan.
savingsPercentage (float) –
Estimated savings as a percentage of your overall costs after buying the Savings Plan.
estimatedOnDemandCost (float) –
Estimated On-Demand cost you will pay after buying the Savings Plan.
sageMakerSavingsPlans (dict) –
The SageMaker AI Savings Plans recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The SageMaker Savings Plans configuration used for recommendations.
accountScope (string) –
The account scope that you want your recommendations for.
term (string) –
The Savings Plans recommendation term in years.
paymentOption (string) –
The payment option for the commitment.
hourlyCommitment (string) –
The hourly commitment for the Savings Plans type.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the Savings Plans purchase recommendation.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the purchase recommendation.
monthlySavingsPlansEligibleCost (float) –
The cost of paying for the recommended Savings Plan monthly.
estimatedMonthlyCommitment (float) –
Estimated monthly commitment for the Savings Plan.
savingsPercentage (float) –
Estimated savings as a percentage of your overall costs after buying the Savings Plan.
estimatedOnDemandCost (float) –
Estimated On-Demand cost you will pay after buying the Savings Plan.
rdsDbInstance (dict) –
The DB instance recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The Amazon RDS DB instance configuration used for recommendations.
instance (dict) –
Details about the instance configuration.
dbInstanceClass (string) –
The DB instance class of the DB instance.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the resource recommendation.
usages (list) –
Usage details of the resource recommendation.
(dict) –
Details about the usage.
usageType (string) –
The usage type.
usageAmount (float) –
The usage amount.
operation (string) –
The operation value.
productCode (string) –
The product code.
unit (string) –
The usage unit.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the resource recommendation.
estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate using Amazon Web Services public pricing without incorporating any discounts.
estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments (float) –
The estimated net unused amortized commitment for the recommendation.
estimatedDiscounts (dict) –
The estimated discounts for a recommendation.
savingsPlansDiscount (float) –
Estimated Savings Plans discounts.
reservedInstancesDiscount (float) –
Estimated reserved instance discounts.
otherDiscount (float) –
Estimated other discounts include all discounts that are not itemized. Itemized discounts include
estimatedCostAfterDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate incorporating all discounts with Amazon Web Services, such as Reserved Instances and Savings Plans.
rdsDbInstanceStorage (dict) –
The DB instance storage recommendation details.
configuration (dict) –
The Amazon RDS DB instance storage configuration used for recommendations.
storageType (string) –
The storage type to associate with the DB instance.
allocatedStorageInGb (float) –
The new amount of storage in GB to allocate for the DB instance.
iops (float) –
The amount of Provisioned IOPS (input/output operations per second) to be initially allocated for the DB instance.
storageThroughput (float) –
The storage throughput for the DB instance.
costCalculation (dict) –
Cost impact of the resource recommendation.
usages (list) –
Usage details of the resource recommendation.
(dict) –
Details about the usage.
usageType (string) –
The usage type.
usageAmount (float) –
The usage amount.
operation (string) –
The operation value.
productCode (string) –
The product code.
unit (string) –
The usage unit.
pricing (dict) –
Pricing details of the resource recommendation.
estimatedCostBeforeDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate using Amazon Web Services public pricing without incorporating any discounts.
estimatedNetUnusedAmortizedCommitments (float) –
The estimated net unused amortized commitment for the recommendation.
estimatedDiscounts (dict) –
The estimated discounts for a recommendation.
savingsPlansDiscount (float) –
Estimated Savings Plans discounts.
reservedInstancesDiscount (float) –
Estimated reserved instance discounts.
otherDiscount (float) –
Estimated other discounts include all discounts that are not itemized. Itemized discounts include
estimatedCostAfterDiscounts (float) –
The savings estimate incorporating all discounts with Amazon Web Services, such as Reserved Instances and Savings Plans.
tags (list) –
A list of tags associated with the resource for which the recommendation exists.
(dict) –
The tag structure that contains a tag key and value.
key (string) –
The key that’s associated with the tag.
value (string) –
The value that’s associated with the tag.