DeviceFarm / Client / stop_run



Initiates a stop request for the current test run. AWS Device Farm immediately stops the run on devices where tests have not started. You are not billed for these devices. On devices where tests have started executing, setup suite and teardown suite tests run to completion on those devices. You are billed for setup, teardown, and any tests that were in progress or already completed.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.stop_run(

arn (string) –


Represents the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Device Farm run to stop.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'run': {
        'arn': 'string',
        'name': 'string',
        'platform': 'ANDROID'|'IOS',
        'created': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'started': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'stopped': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'counters': {
            'total': 123,
            'passed': 123,
            'failed': 123,
            'warned': 123,
            'errored': 123,
            'stopped': 123,
            'skipped': 123
        'message': 'string',
        'totalJobs': 123,
        'completedJobs': 123,
        'billingMethod': 'METERED'|'UNMETERED',
        'deviceMinutes': {
            'total': 123.0,
            'metered': 123.0,
            'unmetered': 123.0
        'networkProfile': {
            'arn': 'string',
            'name': 'string',
            'description': 'string',
            'type': 'CURATED'|'PRIVATE',
            'uplinkBandwidthBits': 123,
            'downlinkBandwidthBits': 123,
            'uplinkDelayMs': 123,
            'downlinkDelayMs': 123,
            'uplinkJitterMs': 123,
            'downlinkJitterMs': 123,
            'uplinkLossPercent': 123,
            'downlinkLossPercent': 123
        'parsingResultUrl': 'string',
        'seed': 123,
        'appUpload': 'string',
        'eventCount': 123,
        'jobTimeoutMinutes': 123,
        'devicePoolArn': 'string',
        'locale': 'string',
        'radios': {
            'wifi': True|False,
            'bluetooth': True|False,
            'nfc': True|False,
            'gps': True|False
        'location': {
            'latitude': 123.0,
            'longitude': 123.0
        'customerArtifactPaths': {
            'iosPaths': [
            'androidPaths': [
            'deviceHostPaths': [
        'webUrl': 'string',
        'skipAppResign': True|False,
        'testSpecArn': 'string',
        'deviceSelectionResult': {
            'filters': [
                    'values': [
            'matchedDevicesCount': 123,
            'maxDevices': 123
        'vpcConfig': {
            'securityGroupIds': [
            'subnetIds': [
            'vpcId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    Represents the results of your stop run attempt.

    • run (dict) –

      The run that was stopped.

      • arn (string) –

        The run’s ARN.

      • name (string) –

        The run’s name.

      • type (string) –

        The run’s type.

        Must be one of the following values:

        • BUILTIN_FUZZ




        • APPIUM_NODE

        • APPIUM_RUBY







        • XCTEST

        • XCTEST_UI

      • platform (string) –

        The run’s platform.

        Allowed values include:

        • ANDROID

        • IOS

      • created (datetime) –

        When the run was created.

      • status (string) –

        The run’s status.

        Allowed values include:

        • PENDING



        • PROCESSING

        • SCHEDULING

        • PREPARING

        • RUNNING

        • COMPLETED

        • STOPPING

      • result (string) –

        The run’s result.

        Allowed values include:

        • PENDING

        • PASSED

        • WARNED

        • FAILED

        • SKIPPED

        • ERRORED

        • STOPPED

      • started (datetime) –

        The run’s start time.

      • stopped (datetime) –

        The run’s stop time.

      • counters (dict) –

        The run’s result counters.

        • total (integer) –

          The total number of entities.

        • passed (integer) –

          The number of passed entities.

        • failed (integer) –

          The number of failed entities.

        • warned (integer) –

          The number of warned entities.

        • errored (integer) –

          The number of errored entities.

        • stopped (integer) –

          The number of stopped entities.

        • skipped (integer) –

          The number of skipped entities.

      • message (string) –

        A message about the run’s result.

      • totalJobs (integer) –

        The total number of jobs for the run.

      • completedJobs (integer) –

        The total number of completed jobs.

      • billingMethod (string) –

        Specifies the billing method for a test run: metered or unmetered. If the parameter is not specified, the default value is metered.


        If you have unmetered device slots, you must set this to unmetered to use them. Otherwise, the run is counted toward metered device minutes.

      • deviceMinutes (dict) –

        Represents the total (metered or unmetered) minutes used by the test run.

        • total (float) –

          When specified, represents the total minutes used by the resource to run tests.

        • metered (float) –

          When specified, represents only the sum of metered minutes used by the resource to run tests.

        • unmetered (float) –

          When specified, represents only the sum of unmetered minutes used by the resource to run tests.

      • networkProfile (dict) –

        The network profile being used for a test run.

        • arn (string) –

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the network profile.

        • name (string) –

          The name of the network profile.

        • description (string) –

          The description of the network profile.

        • type (string) –

          The type of network profile. Valid values are listed here.

        • uplinkBandwidthBits (integer) –

          The data throughput rate in bits per second, as an integer from 0 to 104857600.

        • downlinkBandwidthBits (integer) –

          The data throughput rate in bits per second, as an integer from 0 to 104857600.

        • uplinkDelayMs (integer) –

          Delay time for all packets to destination in milliseconds as an integer from 0 to 2000.

        • downlinkDelayMs (integer) –

          Delay time for all packets to destination in milliseconds as an integer from 0 to 2000.

        • uplinkJitterMs (integer) –

          Time variation in the delay of received packets in milliseconds as an integer from 0 to 2000.

        • downlinkJitterMs (integer) –

          Time variation in the delay of received packets in milliseconds as an integer from 0 to 2000.

        • uplinkLossPercent (integer) –

          Proportion of transmitted packets that fail to arrive from 0 to 100 percent.

        • downlinkLossPercent (integer) –

          Proportion of received packets that fail to arrive from 0 to 100 percent.

      • parsingResultUrl (string) –

        Read-only URL for an object in an S3 bucket where you can get the parsing results of the test package. If the test package doesn’t parse, the reason why it doesn’t parse appears in the file that this URL points to.

      • resultCode (string) –

        Supporting field for the result field. Set only if result is SKIPPED. PARSING_FAILED if the result is skipped because of test package parsing failure.

      • seed (integer) –

        For fuzz tests, this is a seed to use for randomizing the UI fuzz test. Using the same seed value between tests ensures identical event sequences.

      • appUpload (string) –

        An app to upload or that has been uploaded.

      • eventCount (integer) –

        For fuzz tests, this is the number of events, between 1 and 10000, that the UI fuzz test should perform.

      • jobTimeoutMinutes (integer) –

        The number of minutes the job executes before it times out.

      • devicePoolArn (string) –

        The ARN of the device pool for the run.

      • locale (string) –

        Information about the locale that is used for the run.

      • radios (dict) –

        Information about the radio states for the run.

        • wifi (boolean) –

          True if Wi-Fi is enabled at the beginning of the test. Otherwise, false.

        • bluetooth (boolean) –

          True if Bluetooth is enabled at the beginning of the test. Otherwise, false.

        • nfc (boolean) –

          True if NFC is enabled at the beginning of the test. Otherwise, false.

        • gps (boolean) –

          True if GPS is enabled at the beginning of the test. Otherwise, false.

      • location (dict) –

        Information about the location that is used for the run.

        • latitude (float) –

          The latitude.

        • longitude (float) –

          The longitude.

      • customerArtifactPaths (dict) –

        Output CustomerArtifactPaths object for the test run.

        • iosPaths (list) –

          Comma-separated list of paths on the iOS device where the artifacts generated by the customer’s tests are pulled from.

          • (string) –

        • androidPaths (list) –

          Comma-separated list of paths on the Android device where the artifacts generated by the customer’s tests are pulled from.

          • (string) –

        • deviceHostPaths (list) –

          Comma-separated list of paths in the test execution environment where the artifacts generated by the customer’s tests are pulled from.

          • (string) –

      • webUrl (string) –

        The Device Farm console URL for the recording of the run.

      • skipAppResign (boolean) –

        When set to true, for private devices, Device Farm does not sign your app again. For public devices, Device Farm always signs your apps again.

        For more information about how Device Farm re-signs your apps, see Do you modify my app? in the AWS Device Farm FAQs.

      • testSpecArn (string) –

        The ARN of the YAML-formatted test specification for the run.

      • deviceSelectionResult (dict) –

        The results of a device filter used to select the devices for a test run.

        • filters (list) –

          The filters in a device selection result.

          • (dict) –

            Represents a device filter used to select a set of devices to be included in a test run. This data structure is passed in as the deviceSelectionConfiguration parameter to ScheduleRun. For an example of the JSON request syntax, see ScheduleRun.

            It is also passed in as the filters parameter to ListDevices. For an example of the JSON request syntax, see ListDevices.

            • attribute (string) –

              The aspect of a device such as platform or model used as the selection criteria in a device filter.

              The supported operators for each attribute are provided in the following list.


              The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device (for example, arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:12345Example).

              Supported operators: EQUALS, IN, NOT_IN


              The device platform. Valid values are ANDROID or IOS.

              Supported operators: EQUALS


              The operating system version (for example, 10.3.2).



              The device model (for example, iPad 5th Gen).

              Supported operators: CONTAINS, EQUALS, IN, NOT_IN


              The current availability of the device. Valid values are AVAILABLE, HIGHLY_AVAILABLE, BUSY, or TEMPORARY_NOT_AVAILABLE.

              Supported operators: EQUALS


              The device form factor. Valid values are PHONE or TABLET.

              Supported operators: EQUALS


              The device manufacturer (for example, Apple).

              Supported operators: EQUALS, IN, NOT_IN


              Whether the device is enabled for remote access. Valid values are TRUE or FALSE.

              Supported operators: EQUALS


              Whether the device is enabled for remote debugging. Valid values are TRUE or FALSE.

              Supported operators: EQUALS

              Because remote debugging is no longer supported, this filter is ignored.


              The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device instance.

              Supported operators: EQUALS, IN, NOT_IN


              The label of the device instance.

              Supported operators: CONTAINS


              The fleet type. Valid values are PUBLIC or PRIVATE.

              Supported operators: EQUALS

            • operator (string) –

              Specifies how Device Farm compares the filter’s attribute to the value. See the attribute descriptions.

            • values (list) –

              An array of one or more filter values used in a device filter.

              Operator Values

              • The IN and NOT_IN operators can take a values array that has more than one element.

              • The other operators require an array with a single element.

              Attribute Values

              • The PLATFORM attribute can be set to ANDROID or IOS.


              • The FORM_FACTOR attribute can be set to PHONE or TABLET.

              • The FLEET_TYPE attribute can be set to PUBLIC or PRIVATE.

              • (string) –

        • matchedDevicesCount (integer) –

          The number of devices that matched the device filter selection criteria.

        • maxDevices (integer) –

          The maximum number of devices to be selected by a device filter and included in a test run.

      • vpcConfig (dict) –

        The VPC security groups and subnets that are attached to a project.

        • securityGroupIds (list) –

          An array of one or more security groups IDs in your Amazon VPC.

          • (string) –

        • subnetIds (list) –

          An array of one or more subnet IDs in your Amazon VPC.

          • (string) –

        • vpcId (string) –

          The ID of the Amazon VPC.



The following example stops a specific test run.

response = client.stop_run(
    # You can get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the test run by using the list-runs CLI command.


Expected Output:

    'run': {
    'ResponseMetadata': {
        '...': '...',