IoTSiteWise / Client / batch_get_asset_property_value
- IoTSiteWise.Client.batch_get_asset_property_value(**kwargs)#
Gets the current value for one or more asset properties. For more information, see Querying current values in the IoT SiteWise User Guide.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.batch_get_asset_property_value( entries=[ { 'entryId': 'string', 'assetId': 'string', 'propertyId': 'string', 'propertyAlias': 'string' }, ], nextToken='string' )
- Parameters:
entries (list) –
The list of asset property value entries for the batch get request. You can specify up to 128 entries per request.
(dict) –
Contains information for an asset property value entry that is associated with the BatchGetAssetPropertyValue API.
To identify an asset property, you must specify one of the following:
of an asset property.A
, which is a data stream alias (for example,/company/windfarm/3/turbine/7/temperature
). To define an asset property’s alias, see UpdateAssetProperty.
entryId (string) – [REQUIRED]
The ID of the entry.
assetId (string) –
The ID of the asset in which the asset property was created.
propertyId (string) –
The ID of the asset property, in UUID format.
propertyAlias (string) –
The alias that identifies the property, such as an OPC-UA server data stream path (for example,
). For more information, see Mapping industrial data streams to asset properties in the IoT SiteWise User Guide.
nextToken (string) – The token to be used for the next set of paginated results.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'errorEntries': [ { 'errorCode': 'ResourceNotFoundException'|'InvalidRequestException'|'AccessDeniedException', 'errorMessage': 'string', 'entryId': 'string' }, ], 'successEntries': [ { 'entryId': 'string', 'assetPropertyValue': { 'value': { 'stringValue': 'string', 'integerValue': 123, 'doubleValue': 123.0, 'booleanValue': True|False, 'nullValue': { 'valueType': 'D'|'B'|'S'|'I'|'U' } }, 'timestamp': { 'timeInSeconds': 123, 'offsetInNanos': 123 }, 'quality': 'GOOD'|'BAD'|'UNCERTAIN' } }, ], 'skippedEntries': [ { 'entryId': 'string', 'completionStatus': 'SUCCESS'|'ERROR', 'errorInfo': { 'errorCode': 'ResourceNotFoundException'|'InvalidRequestException'|'AccessDeniedException', 'errorTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1) } }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) –
errorEntries (list) –
A list of the errors (if any) associated with the batch request. Each error entry contains the
of the entry that failed.(dict) –
Contains error information for an asset property value entry that is associated with the BatchGetAssetPropertyValue API.
errorCode (string) –
The error code.
errorMessage (string) –
The associated error message.
entryId (string) –
The ID of the entry.
successEntries (list) –
A list of entries that were processed successfully by this batch request. Each success entry contains the
of the entry that succeeded and the latest query result.(dict) –
Contains success information for an entry that is associated with the BatchGetAssetPropertyValue API.
entryId (string) –
The ID of the entry.
assetPropertyValue (dict) –
Contains asset property value information.
value (dict) –
The value of the asset property (see
).stringValue (string) –
Asset property data of type string (sequence of characters). The allowed pattern: “^$|[^u0000-u001Fu007F]+”. The max length is 1024.
integerValue (integer) –
Asset property data of type integer (whole number).
doubleValue (float) –
Asset property data of type double (floating point number). The min value is -10^10. The max value is 10^10. Double.NaN is allowed.
booleanValue (boolean) –
Asset property data of type Boolean (true or false).
nullValue (dict) –
The type of null asset property data with BAD and UNCERTAIN qualities.
valueType (string) –
The type of null asset property data.
timestamp (dict) –
The timestamp of the asset property value.
timeInSeconds (integer) –
The timestamp date, in seconds, in the Unix epoch format. Fractional nanosecond data is provided by
.offsetInNanos (integer) –
The nanosecond offset from
quality (string) –
The quality of the asset property value.
skippedEntries (list) –
A list of entries that were not processed by this batch request. because these entries had been completely processed by previous paginated requests. Each skipped entry contains the
of the entry that skipped.(dict) –
Contains information for an entry that has been processed by the previous BatchGetAssetPropertyValue request.
entryId (string) –
The ID of the entry.
completionStatus (string) –
The completion status of each entry that is associated with the BatchGetAssetPropertyValue request.
errorInfo (dict) –
The error information, such as the error code and the timestamp.
errorCode (string) –
The error code.
errorTimestamp (datetime) –
The date the error occurred, in Unix epoch time.
nextToken (string) –
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no additional results.