IoTTwinMaker / Client / get_component_type
- IoTTwinMaker.Client.get_component_type(**kwargs)#
Retrieves information about a component type.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.get_component_type( workspaceId='string', componentTypeId='string' )
- Parameters:
workspaceId (string) –
The ID of the workspace that contains the component type.
componentTypeId (string) –
The ID of the component type.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'workspaceId': 'string', 'isSingleton': True|False, 'componentTypeId': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'propertyDefinitions': { 'string': { 'dataType': { 'type': 'RELATIONSHIP'|'STRING'|'LONG'|'BOOLEAN'|'INTEGER'|'DOUBLE'|'LIST'|'MAP', 'nestedType': {'... recursive ...'}, 'allowedValues': [ { 'booleanValue': True|False, 'doubleValue': 123.0, 'integerValue': 123, 'longValue': 123, 'stringValue': 'string', 'listValue': {'... recursive ...'}, 'mapValue': { 'string': {'... recursive ...'} }, 'relationshipValue': { 'targetEntityId': 'string', 'targetComponentName': 'string' }, 'expression': 'string' }, ], 'unitOfMeasure': 'string', 'relationship': { 'targetComponentTypeId': 'string', 'relationshipType': 'string' } }, 'isTimeSeries': True|False, 'isRequiredInEntity': True|False, 'isExternalId': True|False, 'isStoredExternally': True|False, 'isImported': True|False, 'isFinal': True|False, 'isInherited': True|False, 'defaultValue': { 'booleanValue': True|False, 'doubleValue': 123.0, 'integerValue': 123, 'longValue': 123, 'stringValue': 'string', 'listValue': [ {'... recursive ...'}, ], 'mapValue': { 'string': {'... recursive ...'} }, 'relationshipValue': { 'targetEntityId': 'string', 'targetComponentName': 'string' }, 'expression': 'string' }, 'configuration': { 'string': 'string' }, 'displayName': 'string' } }, 'extendsFrom': [ 'string', ], 'functions': { 'string': { 'requiredProperties': [ 'string', ], 'scope': 'ENTITY'|'WORKSPACE', 'implementedBy': { 'lambda': { 'arn': 'string' }, 'isNative': True|False }, 'isInherited': True|False } }, 'creationDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'updateDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'arn': 'string', 'isAbstract': True|False, 'isSchemaInitialized': True|False, 'status': { 'state': 'CREATING'|'UPDATING'|'DELETING'|'ACTIVE'|'ERROR', 'error': { 'code': 'VALIDATION_ERROR'|'INTERNAL_FAILURE'|'SYNC_INITIALIZING_ERROR'|'SYNC_CREATING_ERROR'|'SYNC_PROCESSING_ERROR'|'SYNC_DELETING_ERROR'|'PROCESSING_ERROR'|'COMPOSITE_COMPONENT_FAILURE', 'message': 'string' } }, 'propertyGroups': { 'string': { 'groupType': 'TABULAR', 'propertyNames': [ 'string', ], 'isInherited': True|False } }, 'syncSource': 'string', 'componentTypeName': 'string', 'compositeComponentTypes': { 'string': { 'componentTypeId': 'string', 'isInherited': True|False } } }
Response Structure
(dict) –
workspaceId (string) –
The ID of the workspace that contains the component type.
isSingleton (boolean) –
A Boolean value that specifies whether an entity can have more than one component of this type.
componentTypeId (string) –
The ID of the component type.
description (string) –
The description of the component type.
propertyDefinitions (dict) –
An object that maps strings to the property definitions in the component type. Each string in the mapping must be unique to this object.
(string) –
(dict) –
An object that contains response data from a property definition request.
dataType (dict) –
An object that contains information about the data type.
type (string) –
The underlying type of the data type.
nestedType (dict) –
The nested type in the data type.
allowedValues (list) –
The allowed values for this data type.
(dict) –
An object that specifies a value for a property.
booleanValue (boolean) –
A Boolean value.
doubleValue (float) –
A double value.
integerValue (integer) –
An integer value.
longValue (integer) –
A long value.
stringValue (string) –
A string value.
listValue (list) –
A list of multiple values.
mapValue (dict) –
An object that maps strings to multiple
objects.(string) –
(dict) –
An object that specifies a value for a property.
relationshipValue (dict) –
A value that relates a component to another component.
targetEntityId (string) –
The ID of the target entity associated with this relationship value.
targetComponentName (string) –
The name of the target component associated with the relationship value.
expression (string) –
An expression that produces the value.
unitOfMeasure (string) –
The unit of measure used in this data type.
relationship (dict) –
A relationship that associates a component with another component.
targetComponentTypeId (string) –
The ID of the target component type associated with this relationship.
relationshipType (string) –
The type of the relationship.
isTimeSeries (boolean) –
A Boolean value that specifies whether the property consists of time series data.
isRequiredInEntity (boolean) –
A Boolean value that specifies whether the property is required in an entity.
isExternalId (boolean) –
A Boolean value that specifies whether the property ID comes from an external data store.
isStoredExternally (boolean) –
A Boolean value that specifies whether the property is stored externally.
isImported (boolean) –
A Boolean value that specifies whether the property definition is imported from an external data store.
isFinal (boolean) –
A Boolean value that specifies whether the property definition can be updated.
isInherited (boolean) –
A Boolean value that specifies whether the property definition is inherited from a parent entity.
defaultValue (dict) –
An object that contains the default value.
booleanValue (boolean) –
A Boolean value.
doubleValue (float) –
A double value.
integerValue (integer) –
An integer value.
longValue (integer) –
A long value.
stringValue (string) –
A string value.
listValue (list) –
A list of multiple values.
(dict) –
An object that specifies a value for a property.
mapValue (dict) –
An object that maps strings to multiple
objects.(string) –
(dict) –
An object that specifies a value for a property.
relationshipValue (dict) –
A value that relates a component to another component.
targetEntityId (string) –
The ID of the target entity associated with this relationship value.
targetComponentName (string) –
The name of the target component associated with the relationship value.
expression (string) –
An expression that produces the value.
configuration (dict) –
A mapping that specifies configuration information about the property.
(string) –
(string) –
displayName (string) –
A friendly name for the property.
extendsFrom (list) –
The name of the parent component type that this component type extends.
(string) –
functions (dict) –
An object that maps strings to the functions in the component type. Each string in the mapping must be unique to this object.
(string) –
(dict) –
The function response.
requiredProperties (list) –
The required properties of the function.
(string) –
scope (string) –
The scope of the function.
implementedBy (dict) –
The data connector.
lambda (dict) –
The Lambda function associated with this data connector.
arn (string) –
The ARN of the Lambda function.
isNative (boolean) –
A Boolean value that specifies whether the data connector is native to IoT TwinMaker.
isInherited (boolean) –
Indicates whether this function is inherited.
creationDateTime (datetime) –
The date and time when the component type was created.
updateDateTime (datetime) –
The date and time when the component was last updated.
arn (string) –
The ARN of the component type.
isAbstract (boolean) –
A Boolean value that specifies whether the component type is abstract.
isSchemaInitialized (boolean) –
A Boolean value that specifies whether the component type has a schema initializer and that the schema initializer has run.
status (dict) –
The current status of the component type.
state (string) –
The current state of the entity, component, component type, or workspace.
error (dict) –
The error message.
code (string) –
The error code.
message (string) –
The error message.
propertyGroups (dict) –
The maximum number of results to return at one time. The default is 25.
Valid Range: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 250.
(string) –
(dict) –
The property group response
groupType (string) –
The group types.
propertyNames (list) –
The names of properties.
(string) –
isInherited (boolean) –
A Boolean value that specifies whether the property group is inherited from a parent entity
syncSource (string) –
The syncSource of the SyncJob, if this entity was created by a SyncJob.
componentTypeName (string) –
The component type name.
compositeComponentTypes (dict) –
This is an object that maps strings to
of thecomponentType
is referenced bycomponentTypeId
.(string) –
(dict) –
An object that returns information about the composite component types of a component type.
componentTypeId (string) –
This is the
that thiscompositeComponentType
refers to.isInherited (boolean) –
This boolean indicates whether this
is inherited from its parent.