KMS / Client / exceptions / KMSInvalidStateException


class KMS.Client.exceptions.KMSInvalidStateException#

The request was rejected because the state of the specified resource is not valid for this request.

This exceptions means one of the following:

  • The key state of the KMS key is not compatible with the operation. To find the key state, use the DescribeKey operation. For more information about which key states are compatible with each KMS operation, see Key states of KMS keys in the Key Management Service Developer Guide .

  • For cryptographic operations on KMS keys in custom key stores, this exception represents a general failure with many possible causes. To identify the cause, see the error message that accompanies the exception.


except client.exceptions.KMSInvalidStateException as e:

The parsed error response. All exceptions have a top level Error key that provides normalized access to common exception atrributes. All other keys are specific to this service or exception class.


    'message': 'string',
    'Error': {
        'Code': 'string',
        'Message': 'string'


  • (dict) –

    The request was rejected because the state of the specified resource is not valid for this request.

    This exceptions means one of the following:

    • The key state of the KMS key is not compatible with the operation. To find the key state, use the DescribeKey operation. For more information about which key states are compatible with each KMS operation, see Key states of KMS keys in the Key Management Service Developer Guide .

    • For cryptographic operations on KMS keys in custom key stores, this exception represents a general failure with many possible causes. To identify the cause, see the error message that accompanies the exception.

    • message (string) –

    • Error (dict) – Normalized access to common exception attributes.

      • Code (string) – An identifier specifying the exception type.

      • Message (string) – A descriptive message explaining why the exception occured.