LocationService / Client / describe_tracker



Retrieves the tracker resource details.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_tracker(

TrackerName (string) –


The name of the tracker resource.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'CreateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'Description': 'string',
    'EventBridgeEnabled': True|False,
    'KmsKeyEnableGeospatialQueries': True|False,
    'KmsKeyId': 'string',
    'PositionFiltering': 'TimeBased'|'DistanceBased'|'AccuracyBased',
    'PricingPlan': 'RequestBasedUsage'|'MobileAssetTracking'|'MobileAssetManagement',
    'PricingPlanDataSource': 'string',
    'Tags': {
        'string': 'string'
    'TrackerArn': 'string',
    'TrackerName': 'string',
    'UpdateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1)

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • CreateTime (datetime) –

      The timestamp for when the tracker resource was created in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

    • Description (string) –

      The optional description for the tracker resource.

    • EventBridgeEnabled (boolean) –

      Whether UPDATE events from this tracker in EventBridge are enabled. If set to true these events will be sent to EventBridge.

    • KmsKeyEnableGeospatialQueries (boolean) –

      Enables GeospatialQueries for a tracker that uses a Amazon Web Services KMS customer managed key.

      This parameter is only used if you are using a KMS customer managed key.


      If you wish to encrypt your data using your own KMS customer managed key, then the Bounding Polygon Queries feature will be disabled by default. This is because by using this feature, a representation of your device positions will not be encrypted using the your KMS managed key. The exact device position, however; is still encrypted using your managed key.

      You can choose to opt-in to the Bounding Polygon Quseries feature. This is done by setting the KmsKeyEnableGeospatialQueries parameter to true when creating or updating a Tracker.

    • KmsKeyId (string) –

      A key identifier for an Amazon Web Services KMS customer managed key assigned to the Amazon Location resource.

    • PositionFiltering (string) –

      The position filtering method of the tracker resource.

    • PricingPlan (string) –

      Always returns RequestBasedUsage.

    • PricingPlanDataSource (string) –

      No longer used. Always returns an empty string.

    • Tags (dict) –

      The tags associated with the tracker resource.

      • (string) –

        • (string) –

    • TrackerArn (string) –

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the tracker resource. Used when you need to specify a resource across all Amazon Web Services.

      • Format example: arn:aws:geo:region:account-id:tracker/ExampleTracker

    • TrackerName (string) –

      The name of the tracker resource.

    • UpdateTime (datetime) –

      The timestamp for when the tracker resource was last updated in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ.
