QConnect / Client / get_ai_guardrail
- QConnect.Client.get_ai_guardrail(**kwargs)#
Gets the Amazon Q in Connect AI Guardrail.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.get_ai_guardrail( aiGuardrailId='string', assistantId='string' )
- Parameters:
aiGuardrailId (string) –
The identifier of the Amazon Q in Connect AI Guardrail.
assistantId (string) –
The identifier of the Amazon Q in Connect assistant. Can be either the ID or the ARN. URLs cannot contain the ARN.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'aiGuardrail': { 'aiGuardrailArn': 'string', 'aiGuardrailId': 'string', 'assistantArn': 'string', 'assistantId': 'string', 'blockedInputMessaging': 'string', 'blockedOutputsMessaging': 'string', 'contentPolicyConfig': { 'filtersConfig': [ { 'inputStrength': 'NONE'|'LOW'|'MEDIUM'|'HIGH', 'outputStrength': 'NONE'|'LOW'|'MEDIUM'|'HIGH', 'type': 'SEXUAL'|'VIOLENCE'|'HATE'|'INSULTS'|'MISCONDUCT'|'PROMPT_ATTACK' }, ] }, 'contextualGroundingPolicyConfig': { 'filtersConfig': [ { 'threshold': 123.0, 'type': 'GROUNDING'|'RELEVANCE' }, ] }, 'description': 'string', 'modifiedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'name': 'string', 'sensitiveInformationPolicyConfig': { 'piiEntitiesConfig': [ { 'action': 'BLOCK'|'ANONYMIZE', 'type': 'ADDRESS'|'AGE'|'AWS_ACCESS_KEY'|'AWS_SECRET_KEY'|'CA_HEALTH_NUMBER'|'CA_SOCIAL_INSURANCE_NUMBER'|'CREDIT_DEBIT_CARD_CVV'|'CREDIT_DEBIT_CARD_EXPIRY'|'CREDIT_DEBIT_CARD_NUMBER'|'DRIVER_ID'|'EMAIL'|'INTERNATIONAL_BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER'|'IP_ADDRESS'|'LICENSE_PLATE'|'MAC_ADDRESS'|'NAME'|'PASSWORD'|'PHONE'|'PIN'|'SWIFT_CODE'|'UK_NATIONAL_HEALTH_SERVICE_NUMBER'|'UK_NATIONAL_INSURANCE_NUMBER'|'UK_UNIQUE_TAXPAYER_REFERENCE_NUMBER'|'URL'|'USERNAME'|'US_BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER'|'US_BANK_ROUTING_NUMBER'|'US_INDIVIDUAL_TAX_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER'|'US_PASSPORT_NUMBER'|'US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER'|'VEHICLE_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER' }, ], 'regexesConfig': [ { 'action': 'BLOCK'|'ANONYMIZE', 'description': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'pattern': 'string' }, ] }, 'status': 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'CREATE_FAILED'|'ACTIVE'|'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS'|'DELETE_FAILED'|'DELETED', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'topicPolicyConfig': { 'topicsConfig': [ { 'definition': 'string', 'examples': [ 'string', ], 'name': 'string', 'type': 'DENY' }, ] }, 'visibilityStatus': 'SAVED'|'PUBLISHED', 'wordPolicyConfig': { 'managedWordListsConfig': [ { 'type': 'PROFANITY' }, ], 'wordsConfig': [ { 'text': 'string' }, ] } }, 'versionNumber': 123 }
Response Structure
(dict) –
aiGuardrail (dict) –
The data of the AI Guardrail.
aiGuardrailArn (string) –
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AI Guardrail.
aiGuardrailId (string) –
The identifier of the Amazon Q in Connect AI Guardrail.
assistantArn (string) –
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Q in Connect assistant.
assistantId (string) –
The identifier of the Amazon Q in Connect assistant. Can be either the ID or the ARN. URLs cannot contain the ARN.
blockedInputMessaging (string) –
The message to return when the AI Guardrail blocks a prompt.
blockedOutputsMessaging (string) –
The message to return when the AI Guardrail blocks a model response.
contentPolicyConfig (dict) –
Contains details about how to handle harmful content.
filtersConfig (list) –
Contains the type of the content filter and how strongly it should apply to prompts and model responses.
(dict) –
Contains filter strengths for harmful content. AI Guardrail’s support the following content filters to detect and filter harmful user inputs and FM-generated outputs.
Hate: Describes input prompts and model responses that discriminate, criticize, insult, denounce, or dehumanize a person or group on the basis of an identity (such as race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ability, and national origin).
Insults: Describes input prompts and model responses that includes demeaning, humiliating, mocking, insulting, or belittling language. This type of language is also labeled as bullying.
Sexual: Describes input prompts and model responses that indicates sexual interest, activity, or arousal using direct or indirect references to body parts, physical traits, or sex.
Violence: Describes input prompts and model responses that includes glorification of, or threats to inflict physical pain, hurt, or injury toward a person, group, or thing.
Content filtering depends on the confidence classification of user inputs and FM responses across each of the four harmful categories. All input and output statements are classified into one of four confidence levels (NONE, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH) for each harmful category. For example, if a statement is classified as Hate with HIGH confidence, the likelihood of the statement representing hateful content is high. A single statement can be classified across multiple categories with varying confidence levels. For example, a single statement can be classified as Hate with HIGH confidence, Insults with LOW confidence, Sexual with NONE confidence, and Violence with MEDIUM confidence.
inputStrength (string) –
The strength of the content filter to apply to prompts. As you increase the filter strength, the likelihood of filtering harmful content increases and the probability of seeing harmful content in your application reduces.
outputStrength (string) –
The strength of the content filter to apply to model responses. As you increase the filter strength, the likelihood of filtering harmful content increases and the probability of seeing harmful content in your application reduces.
type (string) –
The harmful category that the content filter is applied to.
contextualGroundingPolicyConfig (dict) –
The policy configuration details for the AI Guardrail’s contextual grounding policy.
filtersConfig (list) –
The filter configuration details for the AI Guardrails contextual grounding policy.
(dict) –
The filter configuration details for the AI Guardrail’s contextual grounding filter.
threshold (float) –
The threshold details for the AI Guardrail’s contextual grounding filter.
type (string) –
The filter type for the AI Guardrail’s contextual grounding filter.
description (string) –
A description of the AI Guardrail.
modifiedTime (datetime) –
The time the AI Guardrail was last modified.
name (string) –
The name of the AI Guardrail.
sensitiveInformationPolicyConfig (dict) –
Contains details about PII entities and regular expressions to configure for the AI Guardrail.
piiEntitiesConfig (list) –
A list of PII entities to configure to the AI Guardrail.
(dict) –
The PII entity to configure for the AI Guardrail.
action (string) –
Configure AI Guardrail’s action when the PII entity is detected.
type (string) –
Configure AI Guardrail type when the PII entity is detected.
The following PIIs are used to block or mask sensitive information:
ADDRESS A physical address, such as “100 Main Street, Anytown, USA” or “Suite #12, Building 123”. An address can include information such as the street, building, location, city, state, country, county, zip code, precinct, and neighborhood.
AGE An individual’s age, including the quantity and unit of time. For example, in the phrase “I am 40 years old,” Guarrails recognizes “40 years” as an age.
NAME An individual’s name. This entity type does not include titles, such as Dr., Mr., Mrs., or Miss. AI Guardrail doesn’t apply this entity type to names that are part of organizations or addresses. For example, AI Guardrail recognizes the “John Doe Organization” as an organization, and it recognizes “Jane Doe Street” as an address.
EMAIL An email address, such as marymajor@email.com.
PHONE A phone number. This entity type also includes fax and pager numbers.
USERNAME A user name that identifies an account, such as a login name, screen name, nick name, or handle.
PASSWORD An alphanumeric string that is used as a password, such as “** very20special#pass**”.
DRIVER_ID The number assigned to a driver’s license, which is an official document permitting an individual to operate one or more motorized vehicles on a public road. A driver’s license number consists of alphanumeric characters.
LICENSE_PLATE A license plate for a vehicle is issued by the state or country where the vehicle is registered. The format for passenger vehicles is typically five to eight digits, consisting of upper-case letters and numbers. The format varies depending on the location of the issuing state or country.
VEHICLE_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) uniquely identifies a vehicle. VIN content and format are defined in the ISO 3779 specification. Each country has specific codes and formats for VINs.
CREDIT_DEBIT_CARD_CVV A three-digit card verification code (CVV) that is present on VISA, MasterCard, and Discover credit and debit cards. For American Express credit or debit cards, the CVV is a four-digit numeric code.
CREDIT_DEBIT_CARD_EXPIRY The expiration date for a credit or debit card. This number is usually four digits long and is often formatted as month/year or MM/YY. AI Guardrail recognizes expiration dates such as 01/21, 01/2021, and Jan 2021.
CREDIT_DEBIT_CARD_NUMBER The number for a credit or debit card. These numbers can vary from 13 to 16 digits in length. However, Amazon Comprehend also recognizes credit or debit card numbers when only the last four digits are present.
PIN A four-digit personal identification number (PIN) with which you can access your bank account.
INTERNATIONAL_BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER An International Bank Account Number has specific formats in each country. For more information, see www.iban.com/structure.
SWIFT_CODE A SWIFT code is a standard format of Bank Identifier Code (BIC) used to specify a particular bank or branch. Banks use these codes for money transfers such as international wire transfers. SWIFT codes consist of eight or 11 characters. The 11-digit codes refer to specific branches, while eight-digit codes (or 11-digit codes ending in ‘XXX’) refer to the head or primary office.
IP_ADDRESS An IPv4 address, such as
MAC_ADDRESS A media access control (MAC) address is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controller (NIC).
URL A web address, such as www.example.com.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY A unique identifier that’s associated with a secret access key; you use the access key ID and secret access key to sign programmatic Amazon Web Services requests cryptographically.
AWS_SECRET_KEY A unique identifier that’s associated with an access key. You use the access key ID and secret access key to sign programmatic Amazon Web Services requests cryptographically.
USA specific
US_BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER A US bank account number, which is typically 10 to 12 digits long.
US_BANK_ROUTING_NUMBER A US bank account routing number. These are typically nine digits long,
US_INDIVIDUAL_TAX_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER A US Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a nine-digit number that starts with a “9” and contain a “7” or “8” as the fourth digit. An ITIN can be formatted with a space or a dash after the third and forth digits.
US_PASSPORT_NUMBER A US passport number. Passport numbers range from six to nine alphanumeric characters.
US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER A US Social Security Number (SSN) is a nine-digit number that is issued to US citizens, permanent residents, and temporary working residents.
Canada specific
CA_HEALTH_NUMBER A Canadian Health Service Number is a 10-digit unique identifier, required for individuals to access healthcare benefits.
CA_SOCIAL_INSURANCE_NUMBER A Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a nine-digit unique identifier, required for individuals to access government programs and benefits. The SIN is formatted as three groups of three digits, such as 123-456-789. A SIN can be validated through a simple check-digit process called the Luhn algorithm .
UK Specific
UK_NATIONAL_HEALTH_SERVICE_NUMBER A UK National Health Service Number is a 10-17 digit number, such as 485 555 3456. The current system formats the 10-digit number with spaces after the third and sixth digits. The final digit is an error-detecting checksum.
UK_NATIONAL_INSURANCE_NUMBER A UK National Insurance Number (NINO) provides individuals with access to National Insurance (social security) benefits. It is also used for some purposes in the UK tax system. The number is nine digits long and starts with two letters, followed by six numbers and one letter. A NINO can be formatted with a space or a dash after the two letters and after the second, forth, and sixth digits.
UK_UNIQUE_TAXPAYER_REFERENCE_NUMBER A UK Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) is a 10-digit number that identifies a taxpayer or a business.
Regex filter - You can use a regular expressions to define patterns for an AI Guardrail to recognize and act upon such as serial number, booking ID etc..
regexesConfig (list) –
A list of regular expressions to configure to the AI Guardrail.
(dict) –
The regular expression to configure for the AI Guardrail.
action (string) –
The AI Guardrail action to configure when matching regular expression is detected.
description (string) –
The description of the regular expression to configure for the AI Guardrail.
name (string) –
The name of the regular expression to configure for the AI Guardrail.
pattern (string) –
The regular expression pattern to configure for the AI Guardrail.
status (string) –
The status of the AI Guardrail.
tags (dict) –
The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.
(string) –
(string) –
topicPolicyConfig (dict) –
Contains details about topics that the AI Guardrail should identify and deny.
topicsConfig (list) –
A list of policies related to topics that the AI Guardrail should deny.
(dict) –
Details about topics for the AI Guardrail to identify and deny.
definition (string) –
A definition of the topic to deny.
examples (list) –
A list of prompts, each of which is an example of a prompt that can be categorized as belonging to the topic.
(string) –
Text example in topic policy
name (string) –
The name of the topic to deny.
type (string) –
Specifies to deny the topic.
visibilityStatus (string) –
The visibility status of the AI Guardrail.
wordPolicyConfig (dict) –
Contains details about the word policy to configured for the AI Guardrail.
managedWordListsConfig (list) –
A list of managed words to configure for the AI Guardrail.
(dict) –
The managed word list to configure for the AI Guardrail.
type (string) –
The managed word type to configure for the AI Guardrail.
wordsConfig (list) –
A list of words to configure for the AI Guardrail.
(dict) –
A word to configure for the AI Guardrail.
text (string) –
Text of the word configured for the AI Guardrail to block.
versionNumber (integer) –
The version number of the AI Guardrail version (returned if an AI Guardrail version was specified via use of a qualifier for the
on the request).