Route53 / Client / exceptions / TooManyTrafficPolicyVersionsForCurrentPolicy


class Route53.Client.exceptions.TooManyTrafficPolicyVersionsForCurrentPolicy#

This traffic policy version can’t be created because you’ve reached the limit of 1000 on the number of versions that you can create for the current traffic policy.

To create more traffic policy versions, you can use GetTrafficPolicy to get the traffic policy document for a specified traffic policy version, and then use CreateTrafficPolicy to create a new traffic policy using the traffic policy document.


except client.exceptions.TooManyTrafficPolicyVersionsForCurrentPolicy as e:

The parsed error response. All exceptions have a top level Error key that provides normalized access to common exception atrributes. All other keys are specific to this service or exception class.


    'message': 'string',
    'Error': {
        'Code': 'string',
        'Message': 'string'


  • (dict) –

    This traffic policy version can’t be created because you’ve reached the limit of 1000 on the number of versions that you can create for the current traffic policy.

    To create more traffic policy versions, you can use GetTrafficPolicy to get the traffic policy document for a specified traffic policy version, and then use CreateTrafficPolicy to create a new traffic policy using the traffic policy document.

    • message (string) –

    • Error (dict) – Normalized access to common exception attributes.

      • Code (string) – An identifier specifying the exception type.

      • Message (string) – A descriptive message explaining why the exception occured.