Route53Resolver / Client / list_resolver_rules



Lists the Resolver rules that were created using the current Amazon Web Services account.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_resolver_rules(
            'Name': 'string',
            'Values': [
  • MaxResults (integer) – The maximum number of Resolver rules that you want to return in the response to a ListResolverRules request. If you don’t specify a value for MaxResults, Resolver returns up to 100 Resolver rules.

  • NextToken (string) –

    For the first ListResolverRules request, omit this value.

    If you have more than MaxResults Resolver rules, you can submit another ListResolverRules request to get the next group of Resolver rules. In the next request, specify the value of NextToken from the previous response.

  • Filters (list) –

    An optional specification to return a subset of Resolver rules, such as all Resolver rules that are associated with the same Resolver endpoint.


    If you submit a second or subsequent ListResolverRules request and specify the NextToken parameter, you must use the same values for Filters, if any, as in the previous request.

    • (dict) –

      For Resolver list operations ( ListResolverEndpoints, ListResolverRules, ListResolverRuleAssociations, ListResolverQueryLogConfigs, ListResolverQueryLogConfigAssociations), and ListResolverDnssecConfigs), an optional specification to return a subset of objects.

      To filter objects, such as Resolver endpoints or Resolver rules, you specify Name and Values. For example, to list only inbound Resolver endpoints, specify Direction for Name and specify INBOUND for Values.

      • Name (string) –

        The name of the parameter that you want to use to filter objects.

        The valid values for Name depend on the action that you’re including the filter in, ListResolverEndpoints, ListResolverRules, ListResolverRuleAssociations, ListResolverQueryLogConfigs, or ListResolverQueryLogConfigAssociations.


        In early versions of Resolver, values for Name were listed as uppercase, with underscore (_) delimiters. For example, CreatorRequestId was originally listed as CREATOR_REQUEST_ID. Uppercase values for Name are still supported.


        Valid values for Name include the following:

        • CreatorRequestId: The value that you specified when you created the Resolver endpoint.

        • Direction: Whether you want to return inbound or outbound Resolver endpoints. If you specify DIRECTION for Name, specify INBOUND or OUTBOUND for Values.

        • HostVPCId: The ID of the VPC that inbound DNS queries pass through on the way from your network to your VPCs in a region, or the VPC that outbound queries pass through on the way from your VPCs to your network. In a CreateResolverEndpoint request, SubnetId indirectly identifies the VPC. In a GetResolverEndpoint request, the VPC ID for a Resolver endpoint is returned in the HostVPCId element.

        • IpAddressCount: The number of IP addresses that you have associated with the Resolver endpoint.

        • Name: The name of the Resolver endpoint.

        • SecurityGroupIds: The IDs of the VPC security groups that you specified when you created the Resolver endpoint.

        • Status: The status of the Resolver endpoint. If you specify Status for Name, specify one of the following status codes for Values: CREATING, OPERATIONAL, UPDATING, AUTO_RECOVERING, ACTION_NEEDED, or DELETING. For more information, see Status in ResolverEndpoint.


        Valid values for Name include the following:

        • CreatorRequestId: The value that you specified when you created the Resolver rule.

        • DomainName: The domain name for which Resolver is forwarding DNS queries to your network. In the value that you specify for Values, include a trailing dot (.) after the domain name. For example, if the domain name is, specify the following value. Note the “.” after com:

        • Name: The name of the Resolver rule.

        • ResolverEndpointId: The ID of the Resolver endpoint that the Resolver rule is associated with.


        You can filter on the Resolver endpoint only for rules that have a value of FORWARD for RuleType.

        • Status: The status of the Resolver rule. If you specify Status for Name, specify one of the following status codes for Values: COMPLETE, DELETING, UPDATING, or FAILED.

        • Type: The type of the Resolver rule. If you specify TYPE for Name, specify FORWARD or SYSTEM for Values.


        Valid values for Name include the following:

        • Name: The name of the Resolver rule association.

        • ResolverRuleId: The ID of the Resolver rule that is associated with one or more VPCs.

        • Status: The status of the Resolver rule association. If you specify Status for Name, specify one of the following status codes for Values: CREATING, COMPLETE, DELETING, or FAILED.

        • VPCId: The ID of the VPC that the Resolver rule is associated with.


        Valid values for Name include the following:

        • Arn: The ARN for the query logging configuration.

        • AssociationCount: The number of VPCs that are associated with the query logging configuration.

        • CreationTime: The date and time that the query logging configuration was created, in Unix time format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

        • CreatorRequestId: A unique string that identifies the request that created the query logging configuration.

        • Destination: The Amazon Web Services service that you want to forward query logs to. Valid values include the following:

          • S3

          • CloudWatchLogs

          • KinesisFirehose

        • DestinationArn: The ARN of the location that Resolver is sending query logs to. This value can be the ARN for an S3 bucket, a CloudWatch Logs log group, or a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.

        • Id: The ID of the query logging configuration

        • Name: The name of the query logging configuration

        • OwnerId: The Amazon Web Services account ID for the account that created the query logging configuration.

        • ShareStatus: An indication of whether the query logging configuration is shared with other Amazon Web Services accounts, or was shared with the current account by another Amazon Web Services account. Valid values include: NOT_SHARED, SHARED_WITH_ME, or SHARED_BY_ME.

        • Status: The status of the query logging configuration. If you specify Status for Name, specify the applicable status code for Values: CREATING, CREATED, DELETING, or FAILED. For more information, see Status.


        Valid values for Name include the following:

        • CreationTime: The date and time that the VPC was associated with the query logging configuration, in Unix time format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

        • Error: If the value of Status is FAILED, specify the cause: DESTINATION_NOT_FOUND or ACCESS_DENIED.

        • Id: The ID of the query logging association.

        • ResolverQueryLogConfigId: The ID of the query logging configuration that a VPC is associated with.

        • ResourceId: The ID of the Amazon VPC that is associated with the query logging configuration.

        • Status: The status of the query logging association. If you specify Status for Name, specify the applicable status code for Values: CREATING, CREATED, DELETING, or FAILED. For more information, see Status.

      • Values (list) –

        When you’re using a List operation and you want the operation to return a subset of objects, such as Resolver endpoints or Resolver rules, the value of the parameter that you want to use to filter objects. For example, to list only inbound Resolver endpoints, specify Direction for Name and specify INBOUND for Values.

        • (string) –

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'NextToken': 'string',
    'MaxResults': 123,
    'ResolverRules': [
            'Id': 'string',
            'CreatorRequestId': 'string',
            'Arn': 'string',
            'DomainName': 'string',
            'Status': 'COMPLETE'|'DELETING'|'UPDATING'|'FAILED',
            'StatusMessage': 'string',
            'RuleType': 'FORWARD'|'SYSTEM'|'RECURSIVE',
            'Name': 'string',
            'TargetIps': [
                    'Ip': 'string',
                    'Port': 123,
                    'Ipv6': 'string',
                    'Protocol': 'DoH'|'Do53'|'DoH-FIPS',
                    'ServerNameIndication': 'string'
            'ResolverEndpointId': 'string',
            'OwnerId': 'string',
            'ShareStatus': 'NOT_SHARED'|'SHARED_WITH_ME'|'SHARED_BY_ME',
            'CreationTime': 'string',
            'ModificationTime': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • NextToken (string) –

      If more than MaxResults Resolver rules match the specified criteria, you can submit another ListResolverRules request to get the next group of results. In the next request, specify the value of NextToken from the previous response.

    • MaxResults (integer) –

      The value that you specified for MaxResults in the request.

    • ResolverRules (list) –

      The Resolver rules that were created using the current Amazon Web Services account and that match the specified filters, if any.

      • (dict) –

        For queries that originate in your VPC, detailed information about a Resolver rule, which specifies how to route DNS queries out of the VPC. The ResolverRule parameter appears in the response to a CreateResolverRule, DeleteResolverRule, GetResolverRule, ListResolverRules, or UpdateResolverRule request.

        • Id (string) –

          The ID that Resolver assigned to the Resolver rule when you created it.

        • CreatorRequestId (string) –

          A unique string that you specified when you created the Resolver rule. CreatorRequestId identifies the request and allows failed requests to be retried without the risk of running the operation twice.

        • Arn (string) –

          The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) for the Resolver rule specified by Id.

        • DomainName (string) –

          DNS queries for this domain name are forwarded to the IP addresses that are specified in TargetIps. If a query matches multiple Resolver rules ( and, the query is routed using the Resolver rule that contains the most specific domain name (

        • Status (string) –

          A code that specifies the current status of the Resolver rule.

        • StatusMessage (string) –

          A detailed description of the status of a Resolver rule.

        • RuleType (string) –

          When you want to forward DNS queries for specified domain name to resolvers on your network, specify FORWARD.

          When you have a forwarding rule to forward DNS queries for a domain to your network and you want Resolver to process queries for a subdomain of that domain, specify SYSTEM.

          For example, to forward DNS queries for to resolvers on your network, you create a rule and specify FORWARD for RuleType. To then have Resolver process queries for, you create a rule and specify SYSTEM for RuleType.

          Currently, only Resolver can create rules that have a value of RECURSIVE for RuleType.

        • Name (string) –

          The name for the Resolver rule, which you specified when you created the Resolver rule.

        • TargetIps (list) –

          An array that contains the IP addresses and ports that an outbound endpoint forwards DNS queries to. Typically, these are the IP addresses of DNS resolvers on your network.

          • (dict) –

            In a CreateResolverRule request, an array of the IPs that you want to forward DNS queries to.

            • Ip (string) –

              One IPv4 address that you want to forward DNS queries to.

            • Port (integer) –

              The port at Ip that you want to forward DNS queries to.

            • Ipv6 (string) –

              One IPv6 address that you want to forward DNS queries to.

            • Protocol (string) –

              The protocols for the Resolver endpoints. DoH-FIPS is applicable for inbound endpoints only.

              For an inbound endpoint you can apply the protocols as follows:

              • Do53 and DoH in combination.

              • Do53 and DoH-FIPS in combination.

              • Do53 alone.

              • DoH alone.

              • DoH-FIPS alone.

              • None, which is treated as Do53.

              For an outbound endpoint you can apply the protocols as follows:

              • Do53 and DoH in combination.

              • Do53 alone.

              • DoH alone.

              • None, which is treated as Do53.

            • ServerNameIndication (string) –

              The Server Name Indication of the DoH server that you want to forward queries to. This is only used if the Protocol of the TargetAddress is DoH.

        • ResolverEndpointId (string) –

          The ID of the endpoint that the rule is associated with.

        • OwnerId (string) –

          When a rule is shared with another Amazon Web Services account, the account ID of the account that the rule is shared with.

        • ShareStatus (string) –

          Whether the rule is shared and, if so, whether the current account is sharing the rule with another account, or another account is sharing the rule with the current account.

        • CreationTime (string) –

          The date and time that the Resolver rule was created, in Unix time format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

        • ModificationTime (string) –

          The date and time that the Resolver rule was last updated, in Unix time format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
