SecurityLake / Client / list_data_lakes
- SecurityLake.Client.list_data_lakes(**kwargs)#
Retrieves the Amazon Security Lake configuration object for the specified Amazon Web Services Regions. You can use this operation to determine whether Security Lake is enabled for a Region.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.list_data_lakes( regions=[ 'string', ] )
- Parameters:
regions (list) –
The list of Regions where Security Lake is enabled.
(string) –
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'dataLakes': [ { 'createStatus': 'INITIALIZED'|'PENDING'|'COMPLETED'|'FAILED', 'dataLakeArn': 'string', 'encryptionConfiguration': { 'kmsKeyId': 'string' }, 'lifecycleConfiguration': { 'expiration': { 'days': 123 }, 'transitions': [ { 'days': 123, 'storageClass': 'string' }, ] }, 'region': 'string', 'replicationConfiguration': { 'regions': [ 'string', ], 'roleArn': 'string' }, 's3BucketArn': 'string', 'updateStatus': { 'exception': { 'code': 'string', 'reason': 'string' }, 'requestId': 'string', 'status': 'INITIALIZED'|'PENDING'|'COMPLETED'|'FAILED' } }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) –
dataLakes (list) –
Retrieves the Security Lake configuration object.
(dict) –
Provides details of Amazon Security Lake object.
createStatus (string) –
Retrieves the status of the configuration operation for an account in Amazon Security Lake.
dataLakeArn (string) –
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) created by you to provide to the subscriber. For more information about ARNs and how to use them in policies, see the Amazon Security Lake User Guide.
encryptionConfiguration (dict) –
Provides encryption details of Amazon Security Lake object.
kmsKeyId (string) –
The id of KMS encryption key used by Amazon Security Lake to encrypt the Security Lake object.
lifecycleConfiguration (dict) –
Provides lifecycle details of Amazon Security Lake object.
expiration (dict) –
Provides data expiration details of Amazon Security Lake object.
days (integer) –
Number of days before data expires in the Amazon Security Lake object.
transitions (list) –
Provides data storage transition details of Amazon Security Lake object.
(dict) –
Provide transition lifecycle details of Amazon Security Lake object.
days (integer) –
Number of days before data transitions to a different S3 Storage Class in the Amazon Security Lake object.
storageClass (string) –
The range of storage classes that you can choose from based on the data access, resiliency, and cost requirements of your workloads.
region (string) –
The Amazon Web Services Regions where Security Lake is enabled.
replicationConfiguration (dict) –
Provides replication details of Amazon Security Lake object.
regions (list) –
Specifies one or more centralized rollup Regions. The Amazon Web Services Region specified in the
parameter of the CreateDataLake or UpdateDataLake operations contributes data to the rollup Region or Regions specified in this parameter.Replication enables automatic, asynchronous copying of objects across Amazon S3 buckets. S3 buckets that are configured for object replication can be owned by the same Amazon Web Services account or by different accounts. You can replicate objects to a single destination bucket or to multiple destination buckets. The destination buckets can be in different Regions or within the same Region as the source bucket.
(string) –
roleArn (string) –
Replication settings for the Amazon S3 buckets. This parameter uses the Identity and Access Management (IAM) role you created that is managed by Security Lake, to ensure the replication setting is correct.
s3BucketArn (string) –
The ARN for the Amazon Security Lake Amazon S3 bucket.
updateStatus (dict) –
The status of the last
UpdateDataLake ``or ``DeleteDataLake
API request.exception (dict) –
The details of the last
UpdateDataLake``or ``DeleteDataLake
API request which failed.code (string) –
The reason code for the exception of the last
API request.reason (string) –
The reason for the exception of the last
UpdateDataLake``or ``DeleteDataLake
API request.
requestId (string) –
The unique ID for the last
API request.status (string) –
The status of the last
API request that was requested.