SSM / Client / describe_automation_executions



Provides details about all active and terminated Automation executions.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_automation_executions(
            'Key': 'DocumentNamePrefix'|'ExecutionStatus'|'ExecutionId'|'ParentExecutionId'|'CurrentAction'|'StartTimeBefore'|'StartTimeAfter'|'AutomationType'|'TagKey'|'TargetResourceGroup'|'AutomationSubtype'|'OpsItemId',
            'Values': [
  • Filters (list) –

    Filters used to limit the scope of executions that are requested.

    • (dict) –

      A filter used to match specific automation executions. This is used to limit the scope of Automation execution information returned.

      • Key (string) – [REQUIRED]

        One or more keys to limit the results.

      • Values (list) – [REQUIRED]

        The values used to limit the execution information associated with the filter’s key.

        • (string) –

  • MaxResults (integer) – The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of results.

  • NextToken (string) – The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from a previous call.)

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'AutomationExecutionMetadataList': [
            'AutomationExecutionId': 'string',
            'DocumentName': 'string',
            'DocumentVersion': 'string',
            'AutomationExecutionStatus': 'Pending'|'InProgress'|'Waiting'|'Success'|'TimedOut'|'Cancelling'|'Cancelled'|'Failed'|'PendingApproval'|'Approved'|'Rejected'|'Scheduled'|'RunbookInProgress'|'PendingChangeCalendarOverride'|'ChangeCalendarOverrideApproved'|'ChangeCalendarOverrideRejected'|'CompletedWithSuccess'|'CompletedWithFailure'|'Exited',
            'ExecutionStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'ExecutionEndTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'ExecutedBy': 'string',
            'LogFile': 'string',
            'Outputs': {
                'string': [
            'Mode': 'Auto'|'Interactive',
            'ParentAutomationExecutionId': 'string',
            'CurrentStepName': 'string',
            'CurrentAction': 'string',
            'FailureMessage': 'string',
            'TargetParameterName': 'string',
            'Targets': [
                    'Key': 'string',
                    'Values': [
            'TargetMaps': [
                    'string': [
            'ResolvedTargets': {
                'ParameterValues': [
                'Truncated': True|False
            'MaxConcurrency': 'string',
            'MaxErrors': 'string',
            'Target': 'string',
            'AutomationType': 'CrossAccount'|'Local',
            'AlarmConfiguration': {
                'IgnorePollAlarmFailure': True|False,
                'Alarms': [
                        'Name': 'string'
            'TriggeredAlarms': [
                    'Name': 'string',
                    'State': 'UNKNOWN'|'ALARM'
            'TargetLocationsURL': 'string',
            'AutomationSubtype': 'ChangeRequest',
            'ScheduledTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'Runbooks': [
                    'DocumentName': 'string',
                    'DocumentVersion': 'string',
                    'Parameters': {
                        'string': [
                    'TargetParameterName': 'string',
                    'Targets': [
                            'Key': 'string',
                            'Values': [
                    'TargetMaps': [
                            'string': [
                    'MaxConcurrency': 'string',
                    'MaxErrors': 'string',
                    'TargetLocations': [
                            'Accounts': [
                            'Regions': [
                            'TargetLocationMaxConcurrency': 'string',
                            'TargetLocationMaxErrors': 'string',
                            'ExecutionRoleName': 'string',
                            'TargetLocationAlarmConfiguration': {
                                'IgnorePollAlarmFailure': True|False,
                                'Alarms': [
                                        'Name': 'string'
                            'IncludeChildOrganizationUnits': True|False,
                            'ExcludeAccounts': [
                            'Targets': [
                                    'Key': 'string',
                                    'Values': [
                            'TargetsMaxConcurrency': 'string',
                            'TargetsMaxErrors': 'string'
            'OpsItemId': 'string',
            'AssociationId': 'string',
            'ChangeRequestName': 'string'
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • AutomationExecutionMetadataList (list) –

      The list of details about each automation execution which has occurred which matches the filter specification, if any.

      • (dict) –

        Details about a specific Automation execution.

        • AutomationExecutionId (string) –

          The execution ID.

        • DocumentName (string) –

          The name of the Automation runbook used during execution.

        • DocumentVersion (string) –

          The document version used during the execution.

        • AutomationExecutionStatus (string) –

          The status of the execution.

        • ExecutionStartTime (datetime) –

          The time the execution started.

        • ExecutionEndTime (datetime) –

          The time the execution finished. This isn’t populated if the execution is still in progress.

        • ExecutedBy (string) –

          The IAM role ARN of the user who ran the automation.

        • LogFile (string) –

          An S3 bucket where execution information is stored.

        • Outputs (dict) –

          The list of execution outputs as defined in the Automation runbook.

          • (string) –

            • (list) –

              • (string) –

        • Mode (string) –

          The Automation execution mode.

        • ParentAutomationExecutionId (string) –

          The execution ID of the parent automation.

        • CurrentStepName (string) –

          The name of the step that is currently running.

        • CurrentAction (string) –

          The action of the step that is currently running.

        • FailureMessage (string) –

          The list of execution outputs as defined in the Automation runbook.

        • TargetParameterName (string) –

          The list of execution outputs as defined in the Automation runbook.

        • Targets (list) –

          The targets defined by the user when starting the automation.

          • (dict) –

            An array of search criteria that targets managed nodes using a key-value pair that you specify.


            One or more targets must be specified for maintenance window Run Command-type tasks. Depending on the task, targets are optional for other maintenance window task types (Automation, Lambda, and Step Functions). For more information about running tasks that don’t specify targets, see Registering maintenance window tasks without targets in the Amazon Web Services Systems Manager User Guide.

            Supported formats include the following.

            For all Systems Manager capabilities:

            • Key=tag-key,Values=tag-value-1,tag-value-2

            For Automation and Change Manager:

            • Key=tag:tag-key,Values=tag-value

            • Key=ResourceGroup,Values=resource-group-name

            • Key=ParameterValues,Values=value-1,value-2,value-3

            • To target all instances in the Amazon Web Services Region:

              • Key=AWS::EC2::Instance,Values=*

              • Key=InstanceIds,Values=*

            For Run Command and Maintenance Windows:

            • Key=InstanceIds,Values=instance-id-1,instance-id-2,instance-id-3

            • Key=tag:tag-key,Values=tag-value-1,tag-value-2

            • Key=resource-groups:Name,Values=resource-group-name

            • Additionally, Maintenance Windows support targeting resource types:

              • Key=resource-groups:ResourceTypeFilters,Values=resource-type-1,resource-type-2

            For State Manager:

            • Key=InstanceIds,Values=instance-id-1,instance-id-2,instance-id-3

            • Key=tag:tag-key,Values=tag-value-1,tag-value-2

            • To target all instances in the Amazon Web Services Region:

              • Key=InstanceIds,Values=*

            For more information about how to send commands that target managed nodes using Key,Value parameters, see Targeting multiple managed nodes in the Amazon Web Services Systems Manager User Guide.

            • Key (string) –

              User-defined criteria for sending commands that target managed nodes that meet the criteria.

            • Values (list) –

              User-defined criteria that maps to Key. For example, if you specified tag:ServerRole, you could specify value:WebServer to run a command on instances that include EC2 tags of ServerRole,WebServer.

              Depending on the type of target, the maximum number of values for a key might be lower than the global maximum of 50.

              • (string) –

        • TargetMaps (list) –

          The specified key-value mapping of document parameters to target resources.

          • (dict) –

            • (string) –

              • (list) –

                • (string) –

        • ResolvedTargets (dict) –

          A list of targets that resolved during the execution.

          • ParameterValues (list) –

            A list of parameter values sent to targets that resolved during the Automation execution.

            • (string) –

          • Truncated (boolean) –

            A boolean value indicating whether the resolved target list is truncated.

        • MaxConcurrency (string) –

          The MaxConcurrency value specified by the user when starting the automation.

        • MaxErrors (string) –

          The MaxErrors value specified by the user when starting the automation.

        • Target (string) –

          The list of execution outputs as defined in the Automation runbook.

        • AutomationType (string) –

          Use this filter with DescribeAutomationExecutions. Specify either Local or CrossAccount. CrossAccount is an Automation that runs in multiple Amazon Web Services Regions and Amazon Web Services accounts. For more information, see Running automations in multiple Amazon Web Services Regions and accounts in the Amazon Web Services Systems Manager User Guide.

        • AlarmConfiguration (dict) –

          The details for the CloudWatch alarm applied to your automation.

          • IgnorePollAlarmFailure (boolean) –

            When this value is true, your automation or command continues to run in cases where we can’t retrieve alarm status information from CloudWatch. In cases where we successfully retrieve an alarm status of OK or INSUFFICIENT_DATA, the automation or command continues to run, regardless of this value. Default is false.

          • Alarms (list) –

            The name of the CloudWatch alarm specified in the configuration.

            • (dict) –

              A CloudWatch alarm you apply to an automation or command.

              • Name (string) –

                The name of your CloudWatch alarm.

        • TriggeredAlarms (list) –

          The CloudWatch alarm that was invoked by the automation.

          • (dict) –

            The details about the state of your CloudWatch alarm.

            • Name (string) –

              The name of your CloudWatch alarm.

            • State (string) –

              The state of your CloudWatch alarm.

        • TargetLocationsURL (string) –

          A publicly accessible URL for a file that contains the TargetLocations body. Currently, only files in presigned Amazon S3 buckets are supported

        • AutomationSubtype (string) –

          The subtype of the Automation operation. Currently, the only supported value is ChangeRequest.

        • ScheduledTime (datetime) –

          The date and time the Automation operation is scheduled to start.

        • Runbooks (list) –

          Information about the Automation runbooks that are run during a runbook workflow in Change Manager.


          The Automation runbooks specified for the runbook workflow can’t run until all required approvals for the change request have been received.

          • (dict) –

            Information about an Automation runbook used in a runbook workflow in Change Manager.


            The Automation runbooks specified for the runbook workflow can’t run until all required approvals for the change request have been received.

            • DocumentName (string) –

              The name of the Automation runbook used in a runbook workflow.

            • DocumentVersion (string) –

              The version of the Automation runbook used in a runbook workflow.

            • Parameters (dict) –

              The key-value map of execution parameters, which were supplied when calling StartChangeRequestExecution.

              • (string) –

                • (list) –

                  • (string) –

            • TargetParameterName (string) –

              The name of the parameter used as the target resource for the rate-controlled runbook workflow. Required if you specify Targets.

            • Targets (list) –

              A key-value mapping to target resources that the runbook operation performs tasks on. Required if you specify TargetParameterName.

              • (dict) –

                An array of search criteria that targets managed nodes using a key-value pair that you specify.


                One or more targets must be specified for maintenance window Run Command-type tasks. Depending on the task, targets are optional for other maintenance window task types (Automation, Lambda, and Step Functions). For more information about running tasks that don’t specify targets, see Registering maintenance window tasks without targets in the Amazon Web Services Systems Manager User Guide.

                Supported formats include the following.

                For all Systems Manager capabilities:

                • Key=tag-key,Values=tag-value-1,tag-value-2

                For Automation and Change Manager:

                • Key=tag:tag-key,Values=tag-value

                • Key=ResourceGroup,Values=resource-group-name

                • Key=ParameterValues,Values=value-1,value-2,value-3

                • To target all instances in the Amazon Web Services Region:

                  • Key=AWS::EC2::Instance,Values=*

                  • Key=InstanceIds,Values=*

                For Run Command and Maintenance Windows:

                • Key=InstanceIds,Values=instance-id-1,instance-id-2,instance-id-3

                • Key=tag:tag-key,Values=tag-value-1,tag-value-2

                • Key=resource-groups:Name,Values=resource-group-name

                • Additionally, Maintenance Windows support targeting resource types:

                  • Key=resource-groups:ResourceTypeFilters,Values=resource-type-1,resource-type-2

                For State Manager:

                • Key=InstanceIds,Values=instance-id-1,instance-id-2,instance-id-3

                • Key=tag:tag-key,Values=tag-value-1,tag-value-2

                • To target all instances in the Amazon Web Services Region:

                  • Key=InstanceIds,Values=*

                For more information about how to send commands that target managed nodes using Key,Value parameters, see Targeting multiple managed nodes in the Amazon Web Services Systems Manager User Guide.

                • Key (string) –

                  User-defined criteria for sending commands that target managed nodes that meet the criteria.

                • Values (list) –

                  User-defined criteria that maps to Key. For example, if you specified tag:ServerRole, you could specify value:WebServer to run a command on instances that include EC2 tags of ServerRole,WebServer.

                  Depending on the type of target, the maximum number of values for a key might be lower than the global maximum of 50.

                  • (string) –

            • TargetMaps (list) –

              A key-value mapping of runbook parameters to target resources. Both Targets and TargetMaps can’t be specified together.

              • (dict) –

                • (string) –

                  • (list) –

                    • (string) –

            • MaxConcurrency (string) –

              The MaxConcurrency value specified by the user when the operation started, indicating the maximum number of resources that the runbook operation can run on at the same time.

            • MaxErrors (string) –

              The MaxErrors value specified by the user when the execution started, indicating the maximum number of errors that can occur during the operation before the updates are stopped or rolled back.

            • TargetLocations (list) –

              Information about the Amazon Web Services Regions and Amazon Web Services accounts targeted by the current Runbook operation.

              • (dict) –

                The combination of Amazon Web Services Regions and Amazon Web Services accounts targeted by the current Automation execution.

                • Accounts (list) –

                  The Amazon Web Services accounts targeted by the current Automation execution.

                  • (string) –

                • Regions (list) –

                  The Amazon Web Services Regions targeted by the current Automation execution.

                  • (string) –

                • TargetLocationMaxConcurrency (string) –

                  The maximum number of Amazon Web Services Regions and Amazon Web Services accounts allowed to run the Automation concurrently.

                • TargetLocationMaxErrors (string) –

                  The maximum number of errors allowed before the system stops queueing additional Automation executions for the currently running Automation.

                • ExecutionRoleName (string) –

                  The Automation execution role used by the currently running Automation. If not specified, the default value is AWS-SystemsManager-AutomationExecutionRole.

                • TargetLocationAlarmConfiguration (dict) –

                  The details for the CloudWatch alarm you want to apply to an automation or command.

                  • IgnorePollAlarmFailure (boolean) –

                    When this value is true, your automation or command continues to run in cases where we can’t retrieve alarm status information from CloudWatch. In cases where we successfully retrieve an alarm status of OK or INSUFFICIENT_DATA, the automation or command continues to run, regardless of this value. Default is false.

                  • Alarms (list) –

                    The name of the CloudWatch alarm specified in the configuration.

                    • (dict) –

                      A CloudWatch alarm you apply to an automation or command.

                      • Name (string) –

                        The name of your CloudWatch alarm.

                • IncludeChildOrganizationUnits (boolean) –

                  Indicates whether to include child organizational units (OUs) that are children of the targeted OUs. The default is false.

                • ExcludeAccounts (list) –

                  Amazon Web Services accounts or organizational units to exclude as expanded targets.

                  • (string) –

                • Targets (list) –

                  A list of key-value mappings to target resources. If you specify values for this data type, you must also specify a value for TargetParameterName.

                  This Targets parameter takes precedence over the StartAutomationExecution:Targets parameter if both are supplied.

                  • (dict) –

                    An array of search criteria that targets managed nodes using a key-value pair that you specify.


                    One or more targets must be specified for maintenance window Run Command-type tasks. Depending on the task, targets are optional for other maintenance window task types (Automation, Lambda, and Step Functions). For more information about running tasks that don’t specify targets, see Registering maintenance window tasks without targets in the Amazon Web Services Systems Manager User Guide.

                    Supported formats include the following.

                    For all Systems Manager capabilities:

                    • Key=tag-key,Values=tag-value-1,tag-value-2

                    For Automation and Change Manager:

                    • Key=tag:tag-key,Values=tag-value

                    • Key=ResourceGroup,Values=resource-group-name

                    • Key=ParameterValues,Values=value-1,value-2,value-3

                    • To target all instances in the Amazon Web Services Region:

                      • Key=AWS::EC2::Instance,Values=*

                      • Key=InstanceIds,Values=*

                    For Run Command and Maintenance Windows:

                    • Key=InstanceIds,Values=instance-id-1,instance-id-2,instance-id-3

                    • Key=tag:tag-key,Values=tag-value-1,tag-value-2

                    • Key=resource-groups:Name,Values=resource-group-name

                    • Additionally, Maintenance Windows support targeting resource types:

                      • Key=resource-groups:ResourceTypeFilters,Values=resource-type-1,resource-type-2

                    For State Manager:

                    • Key=InstanceIds,Values=instance-id-1,instance-id-2,instance-id-3

                    • Key=tag:tag-key,Values=tag-value-1,tag-value-2

                    • To target all instances in the Amazon Web Services Region:

                      • Key=InstanceIds,Values=*

                    For more information about how to send commands that target managed nodes using Key,Value parameters, see Targeting multiple managed nodes in the Amazon Web Services Systems Manager User Guide.

                    • Key (string) –

                      User-defined criteria for sending commands that target managed nodes that meet the criteria.

                    • Values (list) –

                      User-defined criteria that maps to Key. For example, if you specified tag:ServerRole, you could specify value:WebServer to run a command on instances that include EC2 tags of ServerRole,WebServer.

                      Depending on the type of target, the maximum number of values for a key might be lower than the global maximum of 50.

                      • (string) –

                • TargetsMaxConcurrency (string) –

                  The maximum number of targets allowed to run this task in parallel. This TargetsMaxConcurrency takes precedence over the StartAutomationExecution:MaxConcurrency parameter if both are supplied.

                • TargetsMaxErrors (string) –

                  The maximum number of errors that are allowed before the system stops running the automation on additional targets. This TargetsMaxErrors parameter takes precedence over the StartAutomationExecution:MaxErrors parameter if both are supplied.

        • OpsItemId (string) –

          The ID of an OpsItem that is created to represent a Change Manager change request.

        • AssociationId (string) –

          The ID of a State Manager association used in the Automation operation.

        • ChangeRequestName (string) –

          The name of the Change Manager change request.

    • NextToken (string) –

      The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional items to return, the string is empty.
